A run-of-the-mill remote sensor arrange comprises numerous vitality compelled sensor hubs that are arbitrarily sent is the sensor field. Vitality is one of the most significant parts of planning an information dispersal convention for applications, for example, war zone checking, living space observing, and so on. We present EGDD, an Energy-effective Grid-based Data Dissemination plot for arbitrarily conveyed remote sensor systems. The proposed conspire is vitality effective for dealing with both sink and source portability. EGDD depends on a virtual framework-based foundation for information scattering from various versatile sources to different portable sinks. The virtual lattice of square size is built by the main source showing up in the sensor field dependent on the remaining vitality of the sensor hubs. Moreover, we proposed an askew sending calculation for inquiry and information sending which guarantees that just a single spread hub advances the question and information at once. In EGDD, substitute scattering hubs are chosen ahead of time during the lattice development procedure and the least limit vitality level is characterized for spread hubs. When the vitality of a dispersal hub arrives at the base edge esteem, it is supplanted by another spread hub. The reenactment results show that the proposed EGDD conspire is more vitality proficient when contrasted with other information scattering conventions.