Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

How Does N Mineral Fertilizer Influence the Crop Residue N Credit?

Version 1 : Received: 17 July 2020 / Approved: 19 July 2020 / Online: 19 July 2020 (19:49:00 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Ferraz-Almeida, R.; da Silva, N.L.; Wendling, B. How Does N Mineral Fertilizer Influence the Crop Residue N Credit? Nitrogen 2020, 1, 99-110. Ferraz-Almeida, R.; da Silva, N.L.; Wendling, B. How Does N Mineral Fertilizer Influence the Crop Residue N Credit? Nitrogen 2020, 1, 99-110.


In no-tillage systems, there is an accumulation of crop residues (CR) which plays an important role in available of soil-N. A study was set up to provide information regarding the CR N credit, and the influence of N mineral fertilizer. An incubation was run in a loam soil with addition of a similar rate of residue (10 Mg ha-1; sugarcane, soybean, and brachiaria) and N mineral fertilizer (urea; 120 kg N ha-1). After the stabilization of biological activity, soil and remaining residues were collected, and N monitored. Results showed that the N credit was positive with application of soybean, sugarcane, and brachiaria. There was an expressive performance of soybean N credit represented by a positive balance, and a reduction from 2.49 to 0.9 g kg-1 of N in residue, with direct increase of 90% of soil-N. There is no need of N fertilizer to potentialize the soybean N credit, but it is requested to potentialize N credit of brachiaria and sugarcane. The urea demonstrated be a good enhancer of brachiaria N credit, but it was not adequate to sugarcane residues. Based in our result, the accumulation and incorporation of CR can be considered as a N credit with positive contribution in soil-N.


sugarcane; soybean; trash; soil N; waste management


Biology and Life Sciences, Agricultural Science and Agronomy

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