I localize gravity to match its measurements with the local inertial frame of special relativity. I find a geometric interpretation of the speed of light and mass. I find also a relation between every mass measured and the black hole entropy which introduces information-matter equation from gravity. Through localization of gravity, a timeless state of the universe emerges and the uncertainty principle does not hold since the velocity concept is replaced by distance in this timeless state. This would resolve the problem of time because timeless state of the universe emerges naturally and mathematically consistent. This would suggest that gravity form the hidden one variable of quantum mechanics which would complete the relation between quantum mechanics and gravity. The experimental evidence of timeless state of the universe is the quantum entanglement. Since the spin measurement is the manifestation of quantum entanglement. Therefore, the spin of quantum particle can be originated from geometrical or gravitational red-shift. We introduce also a principle of least computation which is achieved when the ratio equal to the difference in the process of local gravitational measurements.