The Oil reservoirs with low permeability account for a large proportion in the world, they surpass half of the total number of the oil reservoirs in China, it is important to exploit this kind of reservoir effectively. The exploitive results of these reservoir using normal water flooding methods are very poor because of the thine pores, bad connections and so on. However, these problems can be well solved by applying gas injection techniques. In this paper, the effects on the recovery effects exerted by the injection parameters such as the oxygen content in the injected air, the injection speed etc. were studied by several experiments using independently designed equipments aiming at one low permeable sandstone reservoir in China. Several conclusions were made from the experiment results: the best recovery effects can be achieved by injecting the oxygen reduced air with 8% of oxygen at the speed of 0.3ml/min (7.41×10-4PV/min) using the methods of injecting the air slugs and the foaming agent slugs alternately; the best oxidation time of the oil was 168 hours and the final oil recovery could be enhanced by 26.5% in this method. It was also showed by the experiments that the larger the permeability ratio is, the larger the recovery factor will be increased. At last, several equations about relationships between the EOR and the air injection parameters were revealed according to the results of the experiments which may offer some references to the LTO process mechanisms study in the similar oil reservoir.