Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Efficiency Evaluation of Wastewater Pollution and Water Disease Efficiency in China Based on the Dynamic Two-Stage DEA Method

Version 1 : Received: 13 November 2019 / Approved: 14 November 2019 / Online: 14 November 2019 (11:16:03 CET)

How to cite: yanan, S.; Fangrong, R.; jiawei, L.; Naixin, S. Efficiency Evaluation of Wastewater Pollution and Water Disease Efficiency in China Based on the Dynamic Two-Stage DEA Method. Preprints 2019, 2019110160. yanan, S.; Fangrong, R.; jiawei, L.; Naixin, S. Efficiency Evaluation of Wastewater Pollution and Water Disease Efficiency in China Based on the Dynamic Two-Stage DEA Method. Preprints 2019, 2019110160.


China is not only short of fresh water resources per capita, but also faces a serious problem of water pollution in recent years, with 190 million people suffering from excessive levels of harmful substances in their drinking water. Such as arsenic poisoning and fluorosis and other endemic water diseases high incidence. As a series of water pollution prevention plan of action by the Chinese government announced that, this paper uses the modified Undesirable Dynamic Network model empirical analysis of China's 31 provincial administrative region economic growth, wastewater treatment, and water disease control efficiency between 2013 and 2017. The results show that the efficiency of water pollution disease in all four regions of China and the total efficiency in the three regions of east, west and central China all show a decreasing trend, and the efficiency scores and rankings of all provinces and cities within the region fluctuate greatly. The eastern region with the most developed economy has the best overall performance, with higher efficiency in Water consumption and Water disease control. However, the efficiency of wastewater treatment in northeast China is stable and better. Given the high level of economic development in China and the results of the above mentioned efficiency in water pollution and water diseases, improving the efficiency and quality of wastewater treatment in China is regarded as an important factor in achieving the strategic goal of green growth.


dynamic network dea; efficiency; wastewater pollution; water diseases


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science

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