Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Determination of Ambulance Abuse Level

Version 1 : Received: 16 August 2019 / Approved: 17 August 2019 / Online: 17 August 2019 (04:25:08 CEST)

How to cite: Şahinöz, T.; Çavuş, K.; Şahinöz, S.; Turan, M. Determination of Ambulance Abuse Level. Preprints 2019, 2019080183. Şahinöz, T.; Çavuş, K.; Şahinöz, S.; Turan, M. Determination of Ambulance Abuse Level. Preprints 2019, 2019080183.


Emergency Health Services refers to the urgent care. Ambulance abuse threaten the provision of proper health services and at the same time it affects the country's economy negatively. It was aimed to determine ambulance abuse level. This was a retrospective cohort research. In order to carry out our study, we analyzed 12,207 cases who called to the 112 Emergency Ambulance Services between 01.01.2016 and 31.12.2016. The data of the study has been obtained from the Emergency Health Automation System of the Provincial Health Directorate. According to preliminary diagnoses, traumatic cases were found to be 19.4% and cardiovascular cases were 12%. According to the World Health Organization 32 Critical Code List 59.6% of the cases who called to the 112 Emergency Ambulance Services in 2016 were inappropriate. Ambulance abuse rate was 59.6%. The high rate of misuse of 112 emergency ambulances affects the service flow and motivation of the staff negatively and causes extra financial burden. Thereof, awareness trainings should be given to the public and task and duties of the paramedics and emergency medical technicians who work at emergency ambulances should be expanded so that the transfer of unnecessary cases should be prevented.


misuse; abuse; ambulance abuse; ambulances; emergency ambulances; Turkey


Medicine and Pharmacology, Other

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