Existing methods for detecting magnetic leakage signals from damaged wire ropes require axial saturation magnetisation, and the accuracy of the detection equipment depends on the saturation degree of magnetisation. Moreover, the expected magnetisation effect is usually difficult to achieve owing to the special characteristics of the rope structure, diameter, and operating environment of the wire rope. Consequently, in addition to other issues, the detection accuracy and versatility of the equipment are low. In this study, a method based on spatial multidimensional orthogonal array loop magnetisation for detecting mine wire rope defects is proposed. Firstly, a new sensor excitation structure model is developed. Then a method of radiant magnetic flux of permanent magnet array is analysed, and the influence law of the number of permanent radiant magnetic blocks on the magnetisation effect is studied. In addition, a method of wire rope detection based on the principle of clustering is investigated, according to which the influence law of the shape, structure, and size of the polyurethane device on the effect of magnetisation is discussed. Finally, through laboratory experiments, the test model and proposed method are verified. The results show that the magnetisation effect is better and more cost-effective when the number of permanent magnet radiation magnetic block is n=8, and the proposed detection method can effectively distinguish damaged wire rope joints. Furthermore, the proposed equipment achieved signal-to-noise ratio of the signals, improving the reliability of damage detection.