A practical wind farm controller for production maximisation based on coordinated control is presented. The farm controller emphasises computational efficiency without compromising accuracy. The controller combines Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) with a turbulence intensity based Jensen wake model (TI-JM) for exploiting the benefits of either curtailing upstream turbines using coefficient of power ($C_P$) or deflecting wakes by applying yaw-offsets for maximising net farm production. First, TI-JM is evaluated using convention control benchmarking WindPRO and real time SCADA data from three operating wind farms. Then the optimized strategies are evaluated using simulations based on TI-JM and PSO. The innovative control strategies can optimise a medium size wind farm, Lillgrund consisting of 48 wind turbines, requiring less than 50 seconds for a single simulation, increasing farm efficiency up to a maximum of 6% in full wake conditions.