Technology advancements are evident in the healthcare field; numerous new opportunities and applications have emerged during the last years based on embedded intelligence and related to real-time diagnosis of medical issues, tele-care and telemedicine, remote monitoring of patients, computer-assisted “smart” transportation in case of emergencies, as well as new types of remotely controlled surgical operations. This paper aims to provide an overview of the application of embedded intelligence in the field of healthcare; it gathers the main critical requirements, related technologies and research advancements up to date, and it presents the most important challenges that are yet to be faced. The main focus is given in the development and optimization of Body Area Networks (BANs) based on advanced embedded sensing devices, the optimization of smart gateways in such networks, and the provision of holistic scalable and secure solutions in the healthcare domain. In addition, the paper presents two principal use cases that stem from the combination of novel information and communication technologies with classic healthcare practices, explaining the functional and non-functional requirements, as well as the mixed criticality characteristics of the associated systems.