Glaucoma is undoubtedly a major worldwide disease and cause of blindness. The term glaucoma however encompasses a group of disorders with differing age of incidence, intraocular pressures and varying degrees of hereditability in which vision loss occurs through a characteristic mode of retinal ganglion cell death. There are also significant differences in frequencies of incidence and gene associations for this group of disorders amongst different groups of populations. The current literature often states definitive trends in incidence for ethnic groups that fail to take into account an overall genetic fine structure for these groups. The present review intends to present an overview of some of the background necessary to discuss the genetic basis of glaucoma before describing some of the literature concerning the illness in Gypsy, Japanese, Scandinavian, Latino (Mexican and Brazilian) and Sub-Saharan African populations. It is intended that this review will give the reader a clearer picture of the diversity of worldwide glaucoma presentation which perhaps prove to question the current Ethnic view.