Groundwater is an important role of the environment in natural resources. The major sources of groundwater contamination in this study were open discharges of domestic sewage, inadequate sewerage system, open defecation, septic tanks, soak pits, contaminated water pools, unorganized solid waste dumping and use of fertilizers, pesticides for agriculture deteriorated the condition. In this present study revealed that the physical and chemical characteristics of ground water in different areas of Kannur district in Kerala have been determined different seasons with respect to its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. For this study the groundwater samples were collected during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons from 70 wells representing the entire the study area. The groundwater samples were analyzed for Physico-chemical characteristics using standard techniques in laboratory and compared with standards. The samples were analyzed with reference to the WHO and BIS standards. The groundwater quality information of the entire study area have been prepared using statistical and GIS technique for all the parameters. This paper proved in GIS will be helpful for measuring, monitoring and managing the groundwater pollution in the study area and suggested to protect groundwater resources in the environment.