The study evaluated potassium peroxymonosulfate (PPMS) efficacy against rifampicin-resistant Salmonella Infantis (rif-SI), Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella Infantis (SI), Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV). The assessment encompassed varied concentrations, organic material conditions, and exposure durations to comprehensively evaluate PPMS efficacy. Moreover, PPMS’s efficacy was tested on diverse carrier surfaces and clothing to evaluate its bactericidal and virucidal potential. At the recommended concentrations (1X), PPMS effectively inactivated all pathogens within 5 sec, except for NDV, which required 30 sec in the presence of organic materials. At 0.5X, PPMS successfully inactivated E. coli, AIV and NDV within 5 sec in the absence of organic material. However, rif-SI and SI necessitated 30 sec for inactivation. Most pathogens were inactivated within 30 sec, with the exception for AIV, which was inactivated within 5 sec. PPMS effectively eliminated rif-SI on all carriers within 30 sec. Moreover, at both concentrations, PPMS successfully inactivated AIV on all carriers within 30 sec, except on stainless steel at 0.5X. Furthermore, PPMS at both concentrations required 5 and 30 sec, respectively, to inactivate AIV on the rayon sheet. Therefore, due to its demonstrated efficacy against a wide range of pathogens across diverse surfaces, PPMS emerges as a crucial alternative disinfectant significantly enhancing biosecurity on and around chicken farms. found in and around animal farms, slaughterhouses, and hospitals.