An experimental platform for laser-driven ion (sub-MeV) acceleration and potential applications was recently commissioned at the HiLASE laser facility. The auxiliary beam of the Bivoj laser system operating at GW peak power (~10 J in 5-10 ns) and 1-10 Hz repetition rate enabled a sta-ble production of high-current ion beams of multiple species (Al, Ti, Fe, Si, Cu, Sn). The pro-duced laser-plasma ion sources were fully characterized against the laser intensity on target (1013-1015 W/cm2) by varying the laser energy, focal spot size, and pulse duration. This al-lowed to provide accurate scaling laws of the maximum ion energy for the different target ma-terials investigated. Such experimental scaling laws are presented for the first time in the inves-tigated laser intensity range and for ns-class laser pulses, and allow to provide a qualitative in-terpretation of the laser-plasma interaction underpinning physics, thus to tune the main features of the accelerated ion beams (energy, temperature, and current). Such a detailed study was facil-itated by the large amount of data acquired at high repetition rate (1-10 Hz) provided by the Bivoj laser system.
The versatility and tuneability of such high-repetition-rate laser-plasma ion sources are of po-tential interest for multidisciplinary user applications.