The average value of total monomeric anthocyanin content among complete black and red + black accessions were 49.8 and 27.68 mg/100g of CGE. Previous studies have reported 60.44 ± 0.50 CGE/ 100g as the total anthocyanin content from the crude extract of
A. precatorius seed coat [
19]. The complete black, complete white, cream + brown, pink + brown and red + black seeded accessions were recorded with the mean flavonol content of 63.54 mg/g, 26.84 mg/g, 27.66 mg/g, 33.28 mg/g and 44.98 mg/g of QE respectively. Most of the previous studies were focused on estimation of total flavonoid content of leaves. It was reported that the total flavonoid content of different extracts of
Abrus leaves viz. ethanol, water, and petroleum ether as 14.43±1.35, 20.84±1.97, 1.6±0.41 mg QE/g dry extract [
20]. The hydro-methanolic extract of seed contains the total flavonoid content of 73.33±2.36 mg/g of rutin equivalent (RE) [
21]. The complete black, complete white, cream + brown, pink + brown and red + black seeded accessions were recorded with the mean antioxidant content of 13.6 mg/g, 1.13 mg/g, 1.96 mg/g, 2.37 mg/g and 12.27 mg/g of GAE respectively. Previous workers have observed that the antioxidant capacity of methanolic leaf extracts was maximum with a low IC50 value of 62.86±0.68µg/mL [
20]. The leaf extract was found to have the antioxidative potential which ranges between 2.67 ± 0.40 to 13.34 ± 0.35 mg/g of ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE) [
14]. The complete black, complete white, cream + brown, pink + brown and red + black seeded accessions were recorded with the mean protein content of 18.10%, 18.11%, 17.84%, 18.54% and 17.96% respectively. The protein content of
Abrus seed was earlier studied by few researchers using kjeldahl method [
13]. Their study revealed the protein content as 16.28% which was closer to that of Australian pulse crop,
Cassia notabilis. Some researchers have studied the crude protein content in the leaves of
Abrus precatorius. Based on their study, the protein content was estimated as 8% in the leaves [
22]. The complete black, complete white, cream + brown, pink + brown and red + black seeded accessions were recorded with the mean ash content of 3.27%, 3.40%, 3.13%, 3.12% and 3.27% respectively. It was reported that the ash content of
Abrus seeds was 3.36% [
13]. They have also mentioned that the value of ash content was similar to that of pinto bean (
Phaseolus vulgaris), Narrowleaf lupin (
Lupins angustifolius and
L. hispanicus). Some early investigation was done the ash content of
Abrus leaves. Based on their study, the amount of ash content in
Abrus leaves was 7.00 ± 1.41% [
22]. Accessions with different seed color significantly vary in terms of its bioactive constituents. The present investigation provides experimental proof that
Abrus seeds contains considerable amount of total monomeric anthocyanin (except complete white, cream + brown and pink + brown colored accessions), flavonols and antioxidants. The pharmaceutical companies can make use these accessions for drug development. Accessions recorded with highest antioxidative potential can be used in the treatment of degenerative diseases and as a free radical scavenger resulting from oxidative stress. However, preclinical studies should be conducted to understand the side effects of the drug developed from
Abrusf seeds.