Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Degradation Models and Maintenance Strategies for Reinforced Concrete Structures in Coastal Environments under Climate Change: A Review

Version 1 : Received: 18 January 2024 / Approved: 18 January 2024 / Online: 18 January 2024 (14:47:57 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Rincon, L.F.; Moscoso, Y.M.; Hamami, A.E.A.; Matos, J.C.; Bastidas-Arteaga, E. Degradation Models and Maintenance Strategies for Reinforced Concrete Structures in Coastal Environments under Climate Change: A Review. Buildings 2024, 14, 562. Rincon, L.F.; Moscoso, Y.M.; Hamami, A.E.A.; Matos, J.C.; Bastidas-Arteaga, E. Degradation Models and Maintenance Strategies for Reinforced Concrete Structures in Coastal Environments under Climate Change: A Review. Buildings 2024, 14, 562.


Modern engineering faces challenges in ensuring technical standards for service, durability, and sustainability. Political, administrative, and budgetary factors, coupled with climate change, pose tasks to structural integrity, affecting industries and economies. Marine infrastructures represent a strategic asset of the country as it handles a large part of the economic exchanges. This article analyzes five essential factors that play a fundamental role in the performance analysis of coastal structures: Chloride-induced corrosion, degradation models, maintenance strategies, monitoring, and climate change. Starting with reinforcement corrosion, considered as the main cause of distress, particularly in coastal zones for the long-term behavior of structures. Additional pressure from the influences of climate change is becoming evident and extreme, leading to reduction in capacity. To guarantee the lifespan, degradation models contribute by estimating the long-term performance of the asset as a strategic piece to the development of effective maintenance solutions. Additionally, quantifying the condition of the structure from monitoring data, plays a crucial part that provides information on the current situation of the structure. Finally, this review summarizes the challenges associated with the maintenance of aging marine structures considering aspects such as corrosion, monitoring, and the future challenges this area will face due to climate change.


Chloride-induced corrosion; reinforcement concrete; degradation models; maintenance; monitoring; climate change


Engineering, Civil Engineering

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