Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Evaluation of a Four-Week Online Resilience Training Program for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Version 1 : Received: 25 December 2023 / Approved: 28 December 2023 / Online: 28 December 2023 (10:19:46 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Bock, L.; Rana, M.; Westemeyer, L.; Rana, M. Evaluation of a Four-Week Online Resilience Training Program for Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Healthcare 2024, 12, 620, doi:10.3390/healthcare12060620. Bock, L.; Rana, M.; Westemeyer, L.; Rana, M. Evaluation of a Four-Week Online Resilience Training Program for Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Healthcare 2024, 12, 620, doi:10.3390/healthcare12060620.


The diagnosis of a chronic disease, such as multiple sclerosis, has both psychological and physical effects. Living with the disease and its uncertain consequences requires a great deal of psychological resilience in order to employ more comprehensive coping strategies in stressful situations. This study investigated the effect of a four-week online self-directed resilience training on the perception of psychological resilience among multiple sclerosis patients. A total of 64 MS patients were recruited for a randomized controlled trial. The experimental group underwent a 28-day online self-directed training program consisting of daily exercises aimed at strengthening a resilient mindset. Psychological resilience was measured through self-assessment immediately before, immediately after, and three months after the training. A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a statistically significant improvement in the perception of four factors related to stress: perceived worries, tension, joy and demands. Two resilience coping strategies were measured, of which one, a resilient orientation, improved significantly in the short and long term. The study suggests that online self-directed resilience training might provide an easily accessible, low-cost option for patients with MS to improve their psychological resilience. The transferability to other patient groups should be examined.


resilience; stress; online training; meditation; mindfulness  


Social Sciences, Psychology

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