Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Validation of a New Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomog-Raphy-Based Biometer

Version 1 : Received: 20 December 2023 / Approved: 21 December 2023 / Online: 21 December 2023 (07:50:34 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Alió, J.L.; José-Martínez, M.; Martínez-Abad, A.; Rodríguez, A.E.; Versaci, F.; Hjortdal, J.; Murta, J.N.; Plaza-Puche, A.B.; Cantó-Cerdán, M.; Piñero, D.P. Clinical Evaluation of a New Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography-Based Biometer. Diagnostics 2024, 14, 560. Alió, J.L.; José-Martínez, M.; Martínez-Abad, A.; Rodríguez, A.E.; Versaci, F.; Hjortdal, J.; Murta, J.N.; Plaza-Puche, A.B.; Cantó-Cerdán, M.; Piñero, D.P. Clinical Evaluation of a New Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography-Based Biometer. Diagnostics 2024, 14, 560.


The VEMoS AXL system is a new optical biometer based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) that has been tested in terms of intrasession repeatability and compared with a swept-source optical coherence tomography biometer (SS-OCT), which is considered the gold standard, for an agreement analysis. A biometric analysis was performed three consecutive times in 120 healthy eyes of 120 patients aged between 18 and 40 years with the SD-OCT system and afterwards a single measurement was obtained with the SS-OCT system. Within-subject standard deviations were 0.004 mm, 4.394 µm and 0.017 mm for axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), and anterior chamber depth (ACD) measures obtained with the SD-OCT biometer, re-spectively. The agreement between devices was good for AL (Limits of agreement, LoA: -0.04 to 0.03 mm) and CCT (LoA: -4.36 to 14.38 µm), whereas differences between devices were clinically relevant for ACD (LoA: 0.03 to 0.21 mm). In conclusion, the VEMoS AXL system provides consistent measures of anatomical parameters, being most of them interchangeable with those provided by the SS-OCT-based gold standard.


optical biometry; axial length; anterior chamber depth; central corneal thickness; swept-source optical coherence tomography; spectral-domain optical coherence tomography


Medicine and Pharmacology, Ophthalmology

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