Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Tourism Itinerary Recommendation using Vehicle Routing Problem Time Windows Based on Shortest Path Method and Analytics Hierarchy Process

Version 1 : Received: 9 December 2023 / Approved: 12 December 2023 / Online: 12 December 2023 (12:49:28 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Nasution, S. M., Septiawan, R. R., & Azmi, F. (2023). Tourism Itinerary Recommendation using Vehicle Routing Problem Time Windows Based on Shortest Path Method and Analytics Hierarchy Process. Nasution, S. M., Septiawan, R. R., & Azmi, F. (2023). Tourism Itinerary Recommendation using Vehicle Routing Problem Time Windows Based on Shortest Path Method and Analytics Hierarchy Process.


Bandung and Lembang are the cities that are chosen by many tourists (local and foreign) as their destinations. Geographically, these cities are placed side-by-side and each city has its own characteristics. As in Bandung, there are many hotels and culinary spots, meanwhile, in Lembang, there are many scenery tourism spots. Tourists usually have limited time to visit all the destinations on holiday, which makes them choose several tourist destinations to visit. In this paper, the tourism itinerary recommendation system is proposed by calculating the most optimal route between destinations and approaching the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. The optimal route is defined by using Dijkstra the shortest path algorithm by using the collaboration between the road information (road length, traffic condition, travel time, and weather condition) and criteria weight that is determined using the Analytics Hierarchy Process as the graph weights. According to the simulation results, the criteria weights are 6.9%, 62.7%, 18.6%, and 11.9% for Route Length, Traffic Condition, Travel Time, and Weather Condition respectively. Moreover, the optimal number of tourism itinerary plans for the tourist in this research is 4 destinations. As the usage of computational resources, it takes 31.8% of CPU and 61.9% of Memory usage. For the time processing, it increases exponentially as the increment of number of requested stops. The output of this research is expected to be a solution to the tourist itinerary plan, especially in Bandung and Lembang.


tourism itinerary; vehicle routing problem time windows; route recommendation; shortest path algorithm; analytics hierarchy process


Engineering, Transportation Science and Technology

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