Version 1
: Received: 7 December 2023 / Approved: 8 December 2023 / Online: 8 December 2023 (10:11:37 CET)
Version 2
: Received: 27 December 2023 / Approved: 28 December 2023 / Online: 28 December 2023 (04:52:11 CET)
How to cite:
I.K., I.; O.T., I.; N.B., A. Drainless Technology for Processing High-Moisture Iron-Containing Sludge and Dust. Preprints2023, 2023120583.
I.K., I.; O.T., I.; N.B., A. Drainless Technology for Processing High-Moisture Iron-Containing Sludge and Dust. Preprints 2023, 2023120583.
I.K., I.; O.T., I.; N.B., A. Drainless Technology for Processing High-Moisture Iron-Containing Sludge and Dust. Preprints2023, 2023120583.
APA Style
I.K., I., O.T., I., & N.B., A. (2023). Drainless Technology for Processing High-Moisture Iron-Containing Sludge and Dust. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
I.K., I., Ibraeva O.T. and Aitkenov N.B.. 2023 "Drainless Technology for Processing High-Moisture Iron-Containing Sludge and Dust" Preprints.
Summary: PURPOSE. Development of a drainless energy-saving technology for the processing of high-moisture iron-containing sludge from metallurgical production. RESEARCH METHOD. The regularities of the combined process of chemical dehydration of high-moisture iron-containing sludge by powdered waste of lime and dolomite, hardening and agglomeration by pressing in a single technological cycle on the developed experimental plant were studied. In the course of laboratory studies, the temperature of the mass, the rate of dehydration, the chemical composition of the mixtures, the appearance of the resulting briquettes, the weight loss during agglomeration-humidity of the mixtures, and mechanical strength of the briquettes were measured. RESULTS. New patterns have been established that have made it possible to develop a nonfiring method for producing iron-containing materials and self-healing briquettes. The essence of his method, which is one of the main provisions of scientific novel provisions, is to combine dehydration and self-hardening of the mixture with the process of shaping by applying external pressure to the hardening mixture in molds to obtain agglomerated material in the form of briquettes in a single technological cycle. The proposed technology does not require drying or firing, and a set of strength properties occurs as the material is cooled in air during the day. A new energy-efficient and drainless method for the production of iron-containing briquettes has been developed, which combines the processes of chemical dehydration and agglomeration in one technological cycle. CONCLUSION. The proposed project and technology will allow organization of production for the processing of high-moisture iron-containing sludge and the production a complex iron-containing material as a secondary metal-containing raw material for metallurgical plants for the production of steel and rolled metal. and dolomite dust from dry gas cleaning as dehydrating and binding materials, as well as screening of coke and coal as a reducing agents. The proposed technology also solves the problems of environmental pollution and land acquisition for the storage of production waste.
Engineering, Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Commenter: Иршек Ибраев
Commenter's Conflict of Interests: Author