Di Ianni, M.; Liberatore, C.; Santoro, N.; Ranalli, P.; Guardalupi, F.; Corradi, G.; Villanova, I.; Di Francesco, B.; Lattanzio, S.; Passeri, C.; Lanuti, P.; Accorsi, P. Cellular Strategies for Separating GvHD from GvL in Haploidentical Transplantation. Cells2024, 13, 134.
Di Ianni, M.; Liberatore, C.; Santoro, N.; Ranalli, P.; Guardalupi, F.; Corradi, G.; Villanova, I.; Di Francesco, B.; Lattanzio, S.; Passeri, C.; Lanuti, P.; Accorsi, P. Cellular Strategies for Separating GvHD from GvL in Haploidentical Transplantation. Cells 2024, 13, 134.
Di Ianni, M.; Liberatore, C.; Santoro, N.; Ranalli, P.; Guardalupi, F.; Corradi, G.; Villanova, I.; Di Francesco, B.; Lattanzio, S.; Passeri, C.; Lanuti, P.; Accorsi, P. Cellular Strategies for Separating GvHD from GvL in Haploidentical Transplantation. Cells2024, 13, 134.
Di Ianni, M.; Liberatore, C.; Santoro, N.; Ranalli, P.; Guardalupi, F.; Corradi, G.; Villanova, I.; Di Francesco, B.; Lattanzio, S.; Passeri, C.; Lanuti, P.; Accorsi, P. Cellular Strategies for Separating GvHD from GvL in Haploidentical Transplantation. Cells 2024, 13, 134.
GvHD still remains, despite the continuous improvement of transplantation platforms, a fearful complication of transplantation from allogeneic donors. Being able to separate GvHD from GvL represents the greatest challenge in the allogeneic transplant setting. This may be possible through continuous improvement of cell therapy techniques. In this review, current cell therapies are taken into consideration which are based on the use of TCR alpha/beta depletion, CD45 RA depletion, T regulatory cells enrichment, NK cell-based immunotherapies and suicide gene therapies in order to prevent GvHD and maximally amplify the GvL effect in the setting of haploidentical transplantation.
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