Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Automobiles’ Acceleration Analysis When Crossing Road Intersections

Version 1 : Received: 15 November 2023 / Approved: 16 November 2023 / Online: 16 November 2023 (11:12:33 CET)

How to cite: Scattolin, F.; Micucci, A. Automobiles’ Acceleration Analysis When Crossing Road Intersections. Preprints 2023, 2023111038. Scattolin, F.; Micucci, A. Automobiles’ Acceleration Analysis When Crossing Road Intersections. Preprints 2023, 2023111038.


Acceleration rates of vehicles are crucially important statistics needed in two main aspects: first, they are essential to incident reconstructor professionals as having a verified database on where basing the cinematic reconstructions is definitely difficult and moreover, they are useful in order to understand how to create the safest possible environment on the road. This key topic gives es-sential information for road design like intersection schemes, acceleration and deceleration lane length as well as traffic simulation modelling and furthermore, to educate vehicle drivers when entering the traffic flow and to provide limit acceleration values needed to develop autonomous vehicle’s software in order to guarantee a comfort drive. Literature reports tons of linear acceleration stats mainly referred to vehicle performances claimed by car manufacturers, but these data don’t recreate real drivers’ behaviour when entering the road by turning left or right or crossing an intersection. This work aims to integrate the most reliable data from literature with a hybrid and an electric vehicles statistic, adding also two contemporary thermal engine vehicles, extracted conducting probes that recreates real road environment. The entirety of these experiments reconstructs the scenario in which a car is entering the traffic of a two-lanes road, from a stationary position at a stop sign and the acceleration rates are collected using a M.E.M.S. (Microelectromechanical system). Finally, the space needed between the car that is about to enter or crossing the road and the car that is approaching the intersection is calculated, basing the computations on the acceleration values extracted from the probes. These spaces are pictured, as a way to give a concrete idea to readers.


Car Acceleration; Traffic Accidents; Road Design; CAV Software Development


Engineering, Transportation Science and Technology

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