PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Identifying and Categorizing the Influencing Factors on the Purchase of dairy Products (Case Study: Customers of Diary Companies in the City of Mashhad)
Version 1
: Received: 10 November 2023 / Approved: 10 November 2023 / Online: 10 November 2023 (12:06:13 CET)
How to cite:
Balouchi, H.; Siahsarani Kojouri, M. A.; Movludian, H.; Atashparvar, N. Identifying and Categorizing the Influencing Factors on the Purchase of dairy Products (Case Study: Customers of Diary Companies in the City of Mashhad). Preprints2023, 2023110703.
Balouchi, H.; Siahsarani Kojouri, M. A.; Movludian, H.; Atashparvar, N. Identifying and Categorizing the Influencing Factors on the Purchase of dairy Products (Case Study: Customers of Diary Companies in the City of Mashhad). Preprints 2023, 2023110703.
Balouchi, H.; Siahsarani Kojouri, M. A.; Movludian, H.; Atashparvar, N. Identifying and Categorizing the Influencing Factors on the Purchase of dairy Products (Case Study: Customers of Diary Companies in the City of Mashhad). Preprints2023, 2023110703.
APA Style
Balouchi, H., Siahsarani Kojouri, M. A., Movludian, H., & Atashparvar, N. (2023). Identifying and Categorizing the Influencing Factors on the Purchase of dairy Products (Case Study: Customers of Diary Companies in the City of Mashhad). Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Balouchi, H., Hadi Movludian and Negar Atashparvar. 2023 "Identifying and Categorizing the Influencing Factors on the Purchase of dairy Products (Case Study: Customers of Diary Companies in the City of Mashhad)" Preprints.
This study aimed to identify and categorize the influencing factors on the purchase of dairy products among customers of dairy companies in Mashhad city. This study is a mixed research (qualitative and quantitative), conducted with the aim of identifying and categorizing the influencing factors on consumers’ purchase. Therefore, the theoretical foundations were examined in the initial step, after which the customers and their needs and demands were addressed in terms of the company and its products. In the qualitative part, interviews were conducted in the focus group (23 people in 5 groups) to identify and extract these factors using the theme analysis technique. The reliability of the interviews was confirmed by retesting and the reliability between two encoders. Sixty themes (factors) that affected the purchase of dairy products were collected. In quantitative part, 517 questionnaires were collected from 13 regions of Mashhad city to perform statistic tests. A questionnaire was designed using the extracted themes in the previous (qualitative) stage to assess customers’ feedback. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by content and structure validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis), and its reliability was checked by Cronbach’s alpha. Fourteen components were obtained by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, after which the variables were labeled as intrinsic, psychological, and personality factors, the identity of the company, production power of the company, competitive power of the company, competitive prices, social awareness, and store capabilities. The construct validity was confirmed using confirmatory factors.
influencing factors on purchase; purchase of dairy products; exploratory factors; mixed research; structural validity
Business, Economics and Management, Marketing
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