Version 1
: Received: 21 September 2023 / Approved: 22 September 2023 / Online: 25 September 2023 (12:56:55 CEST)
How to cite:
Marshall, K. Genetic Enhancement of Plastic Degrading Bacteria: The Way to a Sustainable and Healthy Environment. Preprints2023, 2023091600.
Marshall, K. Genetic Enhancement of Plastic Degrading Bacteria: The Way to a Sustainable and Healthy Environment. Preprints 2023, 2023091600.
Marshall, K. Genetic Enhancement of Plastic Degrading Bacteria: The Way to a Sustainable and Healthy Environment. Preprints2023, 2023091600.
APA Style
Marshall, K. (2023). Genetic Enhancement of Plastic Degrading Bacteria: The Way to a Sustainable and Healthy Environment. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Marshall, K. 2023 "Genetic Enhancement of Plastic Degrading Bacteria: The Way to a Sustainable and Healthy Environment" Preprints.
The drastically increasing amount of plastic waste is causing an environmental crisis that requires innovative technologies for recycling post-consumer plastics to achieve waste valorization while meeting environmental quality goals. Biocatalytic depolymerization mediated by enzymes has emerged as an efficient and sustainable alternative for plastic treatment and recycling. A variety of plastic- degrading enzymes have been discovered from microbial sources. Meanwhile, protein engineering has been exploited to modify and optimize plastic-degrading enzymes. This review highlights the recent trends and up-to-date advances in mining novel plastic-degrading enzymes through state-of-the-art omics-based techniques and improving the enzyme catalytic efficiency and stability via various protein engineering strategies. Future research prospects and challenges are also discussed
Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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