Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Research on the Closure and Remediation Processes of Mining Areas in Romania and Approaches to the Strategy for Heavy Metal Pollution Remediation

Version 1 : Received: 20 September 2023 / Approved: 20 September 2023 / Online: 22 September 2023 (06:37:03 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Radu, V.M.; Vîjdea, A.M.; Ivanov, A.A.; Alexe, V.E.; Dincă, G.; Cetean, V.M.; Filiuță, A.E. Research on the Closure and Remediation Processes of Mining Areas in Romania and Approaches to the Strategy for Heavy Metal Pollution Remediation. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15293. Radu, V.M.; Vîjdea, A.M.; Ivanov, A.A.; Alexe, V.E.; Dincă, G.; Cetean, V.M.; Filiuță, A.E. Research on the Closure and Remediation Processes of Mining Areas in Romania and Approaches to the Strategy for Heavy Metal Pollution Remediation. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15293.


Mining activities often generate important amounts of extractive waste, and as a consequence, environmental impacts that affects all factors to a greater or lesser extent. Depending on a variety of variables, the impact can be permanent or temporary, reversible or irreversible, negative or positive. This study conducted research on the status of closure and remediation processes of mining areas in Romania, specifically in the counties of Maramureș, Suceava, Harghita, Alba, Hunedoara, and Caraș-Severin. Furthermore, based on the type and level of pollution, the degree of application of remediation techniques for water and soil pollution in the investigated mining areas was studied. From the analysed information, it is evident that although the closure and remediation process started in Romania over 20 years ago, unfortunately, to this day, the technical projects, technical assistance, and execution of closure and remediation works have not yet completely solved the complex environmental issues in the mining sector. Most of the tailing ponds and waste piles of former mines continue to pose permanent specific risk to the environment and the population. This study concludes that the mining sector in Romania, although it has the necessary techniques and technologies for the ecological rehabilitation of degraded lands related to the Extractive Waste Facilities and the elimination of negative impacts on the environment and public health, has not yet been able to fully concretize its remediation efforts.


heavy metals, mining activities, pollution, remediation


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Environmental Science

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