Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Reducing Inequality in the Greenhouse Tomato Supply Chain Through Income Generating from Composting and Recycling of Waste

Version 1 : Received: 22 August 2023 / Approved: 23 August 2023 / Online: 24 August 2023 (03:29:12 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Türkten, H. Impact of Revenue Generated via Composting and Recycling of Wastes Produced in the Greenhouse Tomato Supply Chain on Reducing Income Inequality: A Case Study of Türkiye. Sustainability 2023, 15, 13801. Türkten, H. Impact of Revenue Generated via Composting and Recycling of Wastes Produced in the Greenhouse Tomato Supply Chain on Reducing Income Inequality: A Case Study of Türkiye. Sustainability 2023, 15, 13801.


Investigating the potential impact of composting and recycling waste on income distribution are crucial to promote a fairer and more sustainable fresh tomato supply chain (FTSC). Therefore, this study aims to explore the potential of gaining extra income from recycling tomatoes waste generated along the FTSC and to calculate the contribution of extra income from recycling tomato waste to reduce income inequality along the FTSC. Data were collected from 136 greenhouse tomato producers, 60 wholesalers, 18 exporters, 120 domestic retailers, 22 overseas retailers, and 3 recycling facilities in Türkiye. Marketing cost, absolute marketing margin, relative marketing margin and net profit margin were used when economically analyzing the FTSCs. Research results showed that the net profit share of the producer decreased associated with the increasing number of intermediaries. Research results also showed that revenue gained from composting and recycling of product loss and waste increased the welfare of greenhouse producer more than other supply chain actors. When taking into account the revenue from composting and recycling of wastes, producers increased their net profit by 9.85% at first FTSC, while that of second and third FTSCs were 8.29% and 9.21%, respectively comparing to the prevailing conditions. The contribution of extra revenue from composting and recycling of wastes to retailers was more comparing wholesaler and exporter. Retailers and wholesalers gaining from recycling in domestic FTSCs was more comparing to overseas one. Close cooperation between producers, wholesalers, exporters, retailers, and recycling facilities is essential for the effective implementation of waste recycling initiatives. Organizing the training and education programs focused on waste management can increase the extra income of producers and active intermediaries in FTSC from composting and recycling tomato wastes. Offering financial incentives, grants, or subsidies can encourage producers and other actors within the supply chain to adopt waste recycling practices. Continuous research and innovation are crucial in identifying and developing new technologies, processes, and strategies to minimize food loss and waste. Dominating fair-trade practices to ensure that all FTSC actors may balance the income distribution among FTSC actors.


Income inequality; sustainable tomato supply chain; waste composting and recycling; profit distribution


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Waste Management and Disposal

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