Preprint Brief Report Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Thoracic Fracture Dislocation with Bilateral Locked Facet Joints: A Novel Reduction Technique

Version 1 : Received: 4 August 2023 / Approved: 7 August 2023 / Online: 8 August 2023 (10:57:54 CEST)

How to cite: Pavešić, J.; Jelić, M.; Dokuzović, S.; Ćorluka, S.; Muthu, S.; Miletić, A.; Ivandić, S.; Bilić, V. Thoracic Fracture Dislocation with Bilateral Locked Facet Joints: A Novel Reduction Technique. Preprints 2023, 2023080659. Pavešić, J.; Jelić, M.; Dokuzović, S.; Ćorluka, S.; Muthu, S.; Miletić, A.; Ivandić, S.; Bilić, V. Thoracic Fracture Dislocation with Bilateral Locked Facet Joints: A Novel Reduction Technique. Preprints 2023, 2023080659.


Background and objectives: Thoracolumbar fracture – dislocations (AO type C) are rare injuries that occur due to very high-energy trauma, and the result is transitional and rotational instability of the spinal column and neurological impairment. Several reduction maneuvers have thus far been published, each of which can be of use in certain specific situations. We developed a novel modification to the previously described reduction technique. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective review of the management of thoracic AO type C fracture-dislocations managed with a modified novel reduction technique. The success of the reduction and intraoperative iatro-genic complications such as dural tear and screw pull out were the outcomes analyzed. Results: A total of 4 cases were successfully reduced with this novel reduction technique. We did not note any complications such as a dural tear or screw failure with this modified novel reduction tech-nique. Conclusion: The novel modification to the reduction technique employed in the management of thoracic fracture-dislocations resulted in a successful reduction without the risk of iatrogenic complications due to the reduction maneuver.


Reduction technique; thoracic spine dislocation; locked facet joints


Medicine and Pharmacology, Surgery

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