Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Towards Sustainable Cosmetics Packaging

Version 1 : Received: 28 July 2023 / Approved: 31 July 2023 / Online: 2 August 2023 (11:03:18 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Dube, M.; Dube, S. Towards Sustainable Color Cosmetics Packaging. Cosmetics 2023, 10, 139. Dube, M.; Dube, S. Towards Sustainable Color Cosmetics Packaging. Cosmetics 2023, 10, 139.


In spite of the significant progress towards sustainable cosmetics, mass-produced sustainable packaging has proven to be a challenge. The complexity of environmental, economic, social, technological and policy considerations in conjunction with varying consumer behaviors and corporate goals can make it difficult to select an optimal strategy across heterogeneous supply-chain components spread over the globe; and the cost and effort of developing, testing and validating alternative strategies discourages empirical exploration of potential alternatives. This review discusses the challenges that can be expected in the context of broader sustainability efforts, as well as the experience gained in related fields such as sustainable cosmetics and sustainable packaging, to identify potential pitfalls as well as promising trends towards development of sustainable cosmetics packaging. The findings suggest there may be little to be gained from attempting to induce customers to change their behavior; waiting for a significant increase in global recycling infrastructure; or expecting regulatory constraints to substitute for the lack of technological and business solutions. A research strategy is delineated towards development of sustainable packaging that, with appropriate policy support, could minimize externalities and provide mass-produced packaging that is acceptable to both consumers and producers.


Sustainable Cosmetics; Sustainable Packaging; Sustainability Strategies; Consumer Behavior; Corporate Social Responsibility; Technological Developments


Business, Economics and Management, Other

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