Zabolotneva, A.A.; Gaponov, A.M.; Roumiantsev, S.A.; Vasiliev, I.Y.; Grigoryeva, T.V.; Kit, O.I.; Zlatnik, E.Y.; Maksimov, A.Y.; Goncharova, A.S.; Novikova, I.A.; Appolonova, S.A.; Markin, P.A.; Shestopalov, A.V. Alkylresorcinols as New Modulators of the Metabolic Activity of the Gut Microbiota. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 14206.
Zabolotneva, A.A.; Gaponov, A.M.; Roumiantsev, S.A.; Vasiliev, I.Y.; Grigoryeva, T.V.; Kit, O.I.; Zlatnik, E.Y.; Maksimov, A.Y.; Goncharova, A.S.; Novikova, I.A.; Appolonova, S.A.; Markin, P.A.; Shestopalov, A.V. Alkylresorcinols as New Modulators of the Metabolic Activity of the Gut Microbiota. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 14206.
Zabolotneva, A.A.; Gaponov, A.M.; Roumiantsev, S.A.; Vasiliev, I.Y.; Grigoryeva, T.V.; Kit, O.I.; Zlatnik, E.Y.; Maksimov, A.Y.; Goncharova, A.S.; Novikova, I.A.; Appolonova, S.A.; Markin, P.A.; Shestopalov, A.V. Alkylresorcinols as New Modulators of the Metabolic Activity of the Gut Microbiota. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 14206.
Zabolotneva, A.A.; Gaponov, A.M.; Roumiantsev, S.A.; Vasiliev, I.Y.; Grigoryeva, T.V.; Kit, O.I.; Zlatnik, E.Y.; Maksimov, A.Y.; Goncharova, A.S.; Novikova, I.A.; Appolonova, S.A.; Markin, P.A.; Shestopalov, A.V. Alkylresorcinols as New Modulators of the Metabolic Activity of the Gut Microbiota. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 14206.
Background: Alkylresorcinols (ARs) are polyphenolic compounds with a wide spectrum of biological activities and potentially implicated in the regulation of host metabolism. The present study is aimed to establish whether ARs can be produced by human gut microbiota and to evaluate alterations in the content of ARs in stool samples of C57BL and db/db and LDLR (-/-) mice in dependence on diet specifications and olivetol (5-n-pentylresorcinol) supplementation in order to estimate a regulatory potential of ARs. Methods: The quantita-tive analysis of ARs levels in mice stool samples was performed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection; fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) from human donor to germ-free mice was performed to explore whether the intestinal microbiota could produce ARs molecules. Results: A significant increase in the amounts of individual mem-bers of ARs homologues in stool samples was revealed in 14 days after FMT. 5-n-Pentylresorcinol supplementation to a regular-chow diet influences the amounts of sev-eral ARs in stool of C57BL/6 and LDLR (-/-), but not db/db mice. Conclusions: For the first time, we have shown that several ARs can be produced by the intestinal microbiota. Taking into account, that AR concentrations in human serum are correlated with LPS levels and with microbiota diversity indexes in human stool samples, it can be assumed that ARs may serve as quorum-sensing molecules, influencing gut microbiota composition and host me-tabolism as well.
alkylresorcinols; olivetol; gut microbiota; fecal microbiota transplantation; endocannabinoid system
Biology and Life Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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