
Improve the Security of Cloud Computing to Enhance Network Security

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17 July 2023


18 July 2023

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In recent years, significant progress has been observed in cloud computing. As the number of companies using the cloud increases, so does the need to protect user data. Today, the major challenges facing cloud computing include the security, protection, and processing of data belonging to users. This study aims to investigate security issues and identify appropriate security techniques in the world of cloud computing. Also, the identification of security challenges that may arise in the field of cloud computing in the future has been evaluated. In this research, we used two different research methods: systematic literature review (SLR), and survey and interview with different security experts who work in the field of cloud computing. All the security challenges, most compromised attributes, and identified mitigation techniques from both SLR and survey were presented and discussed.
cloud computing; security challenges; security techniques
Computer Science and Mathematics  -   Computer Networks and Communications


Cloud computing (CC) includes servers and computers that provide services to users using the Internet.1,2In this model, users can connect to cloud servers and use processing capacity, memory, storage and other required resources to do their work. In fact, CC is considered as a new approach to manage and use of computing resources and information technology using Internet. In CC, instead of buying and maintaining the required hardware and software, there is access to these resources, and capability to run applications and provide services through the Internet.3CC is growing rapidly in the IT space and cloud infrastructures are visible every where.The major current Cloud providers include Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Oracle, Eucalyptus, VMware, Eucalyptus, Citrix, Salesforce, Rackspace, and many vendors offer different Cloud services.4
The most advantages of CC are the very wide services, increasing the availability and reducing costs, as well as increasing the flexibility and scalability of systems.5,6 While virtualization and CC offer a wide range of dynamic resources, but due to providing services and transferring information through the Internet, security issues are considered as one of the challenges, which causes users to resist accepting computing technology.7-10Since in these systems, users' information is kept and stored in a space far from the user's control, the issue of user security and privacy is also raised.11Cloud service providers are required to take special privacy measures in order to gain the satisfaction and trust of their customers. Because without adopting strategic policies to protect privacy and security of people in using cloud services, service delivery may face challenges. According to the results of studies conducted in 2021 by Alouffi, security has been introduced as the most challenging issue of CC.12Also, we can point out performance and availability as the other important challenges. Security in CC can improve communication between users and service providers. On the other hand, different security techniques improve system and software performance and resistance to attacks.
This study aims to investigate the current status of security in CC, identifying security weaknesses in cloud service providers as well as its users, evaluating legal issues related to CC security, and providing applicable solutions to improve CC security. Considering the growing use of CC in various organizations and industries, this research present the security and stability of CC systems and increasing the trust of users and service providers by identifying security challenges and introducing techniques to reduce them.

Methods and Materials:

We performed the electronic search in the international databases: ISI web of knowledge, Google-Scholar search engine, IEEE, Science direct,Springer and Scopus. The following key words were searched ({Cloud Computing} OR {Cloud security techniques} OR {security challenges} AND {systematic review} OR {systematic literature review} OR {research review}). Moreover, the reference list of the potentially appropriate studies were screened to identify additional relevant studies.
In addition to the systematic review, a questionnaire was designed according to the specifications and requirements of the research and then sent electronically to professors and experts related to the field of CC. In this questionnaire, experts were asked to present the future challenges in CC and methods of identifying threats and techniques used to reduce them based on their attitudes. The questionnaire is mentioned in the attachment.


Identified challenges and mitigation techniques from SRL
The literature review analysis reveals 43 security challenges. These challenges threaten the characteristics of CC including confidentiality, integrity, availability, security, responsiveness, usability, reliability, and auditability. A detailed description of these challenges and compromised features is provided in Appendix A.Figure 1 shows the threat records of these challenges. Confidentiality 31% and integrity 24% are the most threatened. While the contribution of usability, reliability, responsiveness, and audit ability is less than 10%.We recognized 34 security techniques from SLR.A detailed description of these techniques is provided in Appendix B. These mitigation techniques have a great impact on the performance, security, efficiency, QoS, privacy, and access control of CC Figure 2.
Future challenges and mitigation techniques from Survey
CC is a new paradigm that has become popular in the last decade and it is difficult to find security experts in this field. In the survey section, based on expert opinions we have identified a total of 18 security challenges that may be faced in the future of CC. These challenges include Hypervisor viruses, Legal interception points, Virtual machine security, Reliable transaction, Risk of multiple tenants, Cloud Smartphone data, Abuse and misuse of CC insecure programming interfaces, Malicious insiders, Common technology vulnerability, Vulnerability and Vulnerability of Common Traffic Hijacking Technology, Privacy, espionage, Business Intelligence, Trade secrets, Data ownership, Availability, transparency. Compromised features resulting from these challenges include confidentiality, security, availability, and integrity.
We identified a total of 9 security techniques from the analysis of the results of the questionnaires. The main security techniques are: Use of optical fiber, Encryption, VPN (virtual private network), IPSec(Internet Protocol Security), Intrusion detection system, Third party auditor, Kerberos, SSH and 5MD message digest for authentication, API monitoring agent, Service Management (SMAPI).


In this study, security challenges and appropriate security techniques in CC were evaluated through a SLR. Also, the identification of future security challenges in the CC was evaluated through the survey of experts in this field.
Based on various studies, 43 challenges in CC have been identified (Appendix A), the most important of which are security challenges. Different challenges affect different features of CC. Confidentiality with 31% has the largest contribution of the threatened features caused by these challenges in the cloud system. Confidentiality ensures that data is not disclosed to unauthorized persons. Loss of physical privacy occurs through social engineering, and loss of electronic privacy occurs when clients and servers do not encrypt their communications.
CC experts suggest main ways to reduce future security challenges.SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption is used to encrypt the communication between the browser and the web server and is considered as one of the main ways to increase security in websites. Using SSL, information is transferred between the user's browser and the web server in encrypted form, which protects the user's information from unauthorized access. Considering the information stored in the cloud is sensitive for many users and organizations, it is highly recommended to use proper encryption in the communication between the browser and the web server in this space. In fact, many cloud services also use information encryption in communication with users by default. Additionally, proper use of encryption can provide good protection against "MiddleMan" attacks. In order to protect against these attacks, it is necessary to observe in case there are delayed response times to determine whether a "MiddleMan" exists.
The use of optical fiber is also considered as a security tool because this technology creates a protective layer between the two parties in communication. As well as, due to the difficulty in manipulating and changing information in this technique, the possibility of spying attacks and unauthorized access to user data decreases. However, it should be noted that optical fiber is only one method of communication in the cloud, and the use of encryption is still essential consideration to increase the security of communication.
In this study, using the experiences of CC experts, the following are suggested to increase the security of cloud systems in the future: increased efforts in risk management, standard security solutions, defining security strategy, separating security architecture from technical infrastructure, third-party compliance, and lightweight but effective encryption techniques.


In conclusion, improving security in CC is very important and many companies and organizations are currently developing and improving security solutions for their cloud services. In this context, information security engineers can improve security by investigating security threats, designing and implementing appropriate security systems, and providing the necessary guidelines to increase security in CC. Also, efforts to implement security and privacy regulations in the cloud space can be useful to increase users' trust in CC services.

Appendix A. List of identified challenges in CC and compromised attribute extracted from SLR

No. Challenges Compromised attribute No. Challenges Compromised attribute
1 WS- Security Integrity, Confidentiality 23 Perceived Lack of Reliability Availability
2 Phishing attack Confidentiality 24 Auditing Security, Confidentiality
3 Wrapping attack Integrity 25 Back-Door Usability
4 Injection attack Availability 26 TCP Hijacking Confidentiality, Integrity
5 IP Spoofing Confidentiality 27 Social Engineering Confidentiality
6 Tampering Integrity 28 Dumpster Diving Availability
7 Repudiation Auditability 29 Password Guessing Confidentiality
8 Information Disclosure Confidentiality 30 Trojan Horses and Malware Usability
9 Denial of service Availability 31 Completeness Availability
10 Elevation of privilege Confidentiality 32 Roll back attack Availability, Usability
11 Physical security Security, Availability 33 Fairness Confidentiality
12 WLAN’s security Usability, Accountability 34 Data Loss or Leakage Availability
13 Direct attacking method Confidentiality 35 Computer network attack Confidentiality, Integrity
14 Replay attack Integrity 36 Denial of service attack Availability
15 Man-in-the-middle attack Availability, Integrity 37 Data security Integrity, Security
16 Reflection attack Confidentiality 38 Network security Integrity, Security
17 Interleaving attack Integrity, Confidentiality 39 Data locality Reliability
18 Timelines attack Usability, Availability 40 Data integrity Integrity
19 Self-adaptive storage resource management Integrity, Confidentiality 41 Data segregation Security, Confidentiality
20 Client monitoring and security Security 42 Backup Availability
21 Lack of trust Confidentiality 43 Data manipulation Availability, Integrity
22 Weak Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Availability, Confidentiality

Appendix B. List of security techniques and their impact extracted from SLR

No. Security technique Impact
1 Identity-Based Authentication(IBA) Privacy, Security
2 RSA algorithm Security, Efficiency
3 Dynamic intrusion detection system Performance
4 Multi-tenancy based access control model (MTACM) Security, access control
5 TLS Handshake Security
6 Public key based Homomorphic authenticator with random masking Privacy, Performance
7 Third party auditor(TPA) Efficiency, QoS
8 Probabilistic sampling technique Security, Privacy
9 Diffie-Hellman key exchange Security, Access control
10 Private face recognition Privacy, Performance
11 Message Authentication Codes (MAC’s) Efficiency
12 Data coloring and software water marking techniques Performance, Security
13 A Novel Cloud dependability model QoS, Security
14 Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryption(KP-ABE) Privacy, Efficiency
15 Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) Performance, Security
16 RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) technique Privacy, Efficiency
17 Application-oriented Remote Verification Trust Model (ARVTM) QoS, Security
18 Security assertion Markup Language (SAML) Performance, Privacy
19 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) QoS, Security
20 Proof Of Retrievability (POR) Efficiency, Performance
21 Fair MPNR protocol Security, Performance
22 Sobol Sequence Security, Performance, Efficiency
23 Redundant Array of Independent Net-storages (RAIN) Privacy, Efficiency
24 Hadoop Distributed File System performance
25 Self-Cleansing Intrusion Tolerance (C-SCIT) Security, Privacy
26 Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) Security, Privacy, Performance
27 Provable data possession(PDP) Security, performance, Efficiency
28 Time bound ticket based mutual authentication scheme Efficiency, Security, Performance
29 Security Access Control Service (SACS) Access control Security
30 The Service Level Agreement QoS, Performance
31 Intrusion detection Efficiency, Security
32 Hypervisor Access Control
33 Identity Management Privacy and Security


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Figure 1. List of features at risk and their contribution.
Figure 1. List of features at risk and their contribution.
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Figure 2. The impact of mitigation techniques on the features of cloud computing.
Figure 2. The impact of mitigation techniques on the features of cloud computing.
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