1. Introduction
The transition towards a carbon neutral energy system is one of the main priorities to avoid the most dramatic consequences of climate change [
1]. The Net Zero Coalition of the United Nations warns that emissions must be reduced by 45% before 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 if global warming is to be limited to 1.5
C [
2]. More recently, the European Union (EU) has shown the plans to push such commitments further, aiming at a 62% emissions cut by 2030. In any case, such a transition may be hardly achievable using the traditional renewable energy technologies alone,
i.e. onshore solar and wind energy. In fact, it is expected that 45% of the total emission cuts required by 2050 will be provided by technologies that are still under development [
3]. As a consequence, less mature technologies such as floating offshore wind and wave energy are expected to play a crucial role in the energy transition towards mitigating climate change and its impacts. The most ambitious strategy with respect to the deployment of future offshore renewable energy (ORE) farms is defined by the EU, aiming at 60 GW of offshore wind and 1 GW of ocean energy,
i.e wave and tidal energy, installed capacity by 2030. Furthermore, this capacity is expected to increase up to 300 GW and 40 GW by 2050, respectively.
However, the immaturity of certain technologies and the harsh environmental conditions under which ORE technologies operate, make of the development of these technologies a rather cautious process. Currently, the main objective of the developers is the reduction of the cost of energy (
) of their technologies, which is defined as a function of the Capital Expenditure (
), the Operational Expenditure (
) and the Decommissioning Expenditure (
) as follows,
determines the energy generation of the ORE farm. Hence, the reduction of the
necessarily implies the reduction of the
and/or the
, and/or the increase of the
This techno-economic metric is also used in other energy generation technologies installed onshore. However, due to the adverse offshore environmental conditions, aspects that are commonly neglected in onshore installations become significant in the offshore context. In this sense, accessibility is the most critical aspect. Accessibility is the approachability of an ORE farm and is defined as the normalised amount of time that accessing a device is possible.
In the cases where the environmental conditions do not allow any approaching, the ORE farm is said to be inaccessible. While such a condition holds, any commissioning, maintenance or decommissioning task required in the farm remains in standby, which affects the
, the
and the
, respectively. Furthermore, if the device stops operating due to a failure in any of its critical components, the lack of accessibility to the farm can substantially increase the system downtime, reducing the availability and the final
, and, as a consequence, increasing the
Figure 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of the main aspects related to accessibility and its impact.
1.1. Critical Accessibility Aspects
Given that the accessibility notion is directly related to the environmental or weather conditions occurring in the lifetime of an ORE farm, assessing such an accessibility requires turning some temporal quantity into an operational parameter. For such a purpose, the so-called weather windows (WWs) are defined as periods of time for which accessing a farm is possible. As illustrated in
Figure 1, the proper identification of WWs requires considering four critical factors, which are detailed next.
1.1.1. Metocean Conditions
Any location in the ocean is defined by its wave, wind and current conditions, which are collectively referred as the metocean conditions [
4]. The potential to deploy ORE farms is assessed based on metocean conditions, which are defined by different variables. Wave and wind conditions are the two main factors commonly considered when analysing both accessibility and the energy yield of an offshore wind farm. Hence, the main concerns of the wave- and wind-related aspects are the following:
The limit of significant wave height () for the transfer of technicians and material from vessels to the turbines;
The limit of to perform operation and maintenance (O&M) interventions, particularly when using jack-up barges;
The limit of wind speed () to perform O&M operations, specially for lifting operations in major repairs and replacements;
The impact of on the power production.
1.1.2. Visibility
Another important aspect that can significantly limit O&M operations is visibility, which can be defined as the "distance at which the contrast of a given object with respect to its background is just equal to the contrast threshold of an observer" [
5]. However, different factors can limit visibility when conducting O&M interventions, such as daylight, meteorological conditions, air quality, direct obstruction of the view and poor design of O&M vessels. Therefore, defining the visibility in a determined location and time becomes a complex task. The two most relevant factors are daylight and meteorological conditions, as suggested in [
Daylight Hours
refer to the number of hours when natural light enables a correct visibility without the need of any artificial light. In fact, some offshore operations may not be performed safely at night or with limited visibility [
7]. The main drivers of the daylight hours are the geographical location and the season of the year.
Meteorological Conditions
include factors such as heavy rain and, especially, sea fog. The latter is considered as one of the important hazards in offshore and maritime industries. Sea fog produces situations with a visibility of less than 1 km and is the result of the advection of warm air over colder surfaces and vice versa, which depends on the combination of various factors [
The combination of daylight and sea fog is used as an additional factor to define the WWs in which the operators could access the ORE farm and perform the required O&M task.
1.1.3. System Failures and Repair
The final is critically dependent on the type and frequency of failures, and the infrastructure and personnel required to repair these failures. Although reliability and accessibility are commonly studied separately, an important inter-dependence exists between the two: the duration of the WW is defined as a function of the onsite repair time, which varies for each component and type of failure. Therefore, the definition of accessibility is closely related to the characteristics of the ORE technology, meaning that failure and maintenance information should be articulated within a comprehensive accessibility metric.
1.1.4. O&M Logistics
Similarly to system failures, O&M logistics are closely connected to accessibility of ORE farms. The main factors in O&M logistics include the type and availability of O&M vessels and labor crew, the geographical location and capabilities of the different surrounding ports, and the availability of spare parts. In this sense, the characteristics of the vessels set the operational limits, ports determine the trip time, and the availability of vessels, crew and spare parts determine whether the O&M intervention can be performed or not.
1.2. Literature Review
Different studies in the literature present site selection studies for different FOWT technologies and farms. These studies are often based on techno-economic models that consider both the energy potential and the different factors related to the
across a predefined area, but O&M aspects are neglected [
10] or reduced to a constant term representing the cost [
12]. Alternative metrics are also suggested, such as the exploitability index for the identification of interesting locations that, nonetheless, also neglect the O&M aspect [
13]. Despite the acknowledged relevance of availability and, thus, accessibility to the FOWT farms, the existing studies are shown to disregard them when assessing potential deployment locations. For a proper assessment of possible installation sites, the study should, at least, include an estimation of both the accessibility and the power density of the area or location under study. However, there is currently no comprehensive metric that effectively incorporates a surrogate indicator for the accessibility.
Within the available bibliographic corpus, the studies versing on accessibility can be divided into two groups:
technology-agnostic and
technology-informed studies.
Technology-agnostic studies evaluate a broad range of metocean conditions but do not take into account technology-specific information such as the type of O&M interventions, their duration, the type of vessels and their operational limitations [
18]. In contrast,
technology-informed studies consider specific technology-related information [
Table 1 summarises the main characteristics of the different approaches suggested in the literature.
Technology-Agnostic studies fail to achieve a comprehensive perspective on accessibility, as they commonly disregard, at least, one of the three crucial environmental factors, namely
, and visibility. While [
18] focus solely on
, others like [
17] examine both
, but none of them takes visibility into account. These studies evaluate accessibility for a wide range of metocean conditions, duration of O&M interventions, and operational limits, but fail to relate this information to any technology-specific aspect, resulting in a generalised characterisation of accessibility.
On the other hand,
technology-informed accessibility studies do incorporate specific information about O&M interventions into the analysis. These interventions can be classified into three main categories: minor repairs (2 to 7 hours), medium repairs (7 to 24 hours), and major repairs (over 24 hours), as suggested by [
6]. Among these studies, one of the most complete accessibility assessments is presented in [
7], where all critical aspects except sea fog are considered in the assessment of accessibility across a large area in the North Sea. However, this study is limited by the fact that both O&M interventions included in the analysis are characterised by an 8-hour WW. In addition, the two types of O&M interventions included in the study are analysed by assuming that no interplay occurs between them, which results in an independent accessibility metric for each of the interventions. Consequently, no integral accessibility metric is provided that considers either the overal FOWT or the FOWT farm. A simplified version of such an approach is presented in [
19], where the accessibility assessment is exclusively focused on a single O&M intervention without considering visibility aspects. Minor, medium, and major repairs interventions are evaluated in [
20] , although, as in [
19], visibility aspects are ignored. Additionally, [
20] assess the same O&M logistics features related to CTV-like vessels, which are explicitly designed to transport personnel to offshore systems and, thus, turn inappropriate for the medium and major repair interventions. Therefore, although some studies suggest a sort of partial
technology-informed metrics, none of them considers an overall accessibility metric, since they do not achieve a holistic perspective required to properly assess the accessibility of a potential deployment site, which may be obtained, for instance, by combining the impact of the different O&M interventions.
Other studies consider failure and repair characteristics of critical components, but the techno-economic models employed for such analyses are computationally prohibitive for a site selection study [
23]. An alternative analytical model with similar precision but a significantly lower computational cost is presented in [
22], which has the potential to be used in a site-selection process. Yet, only
is considered among all the critical accessibility aspects. In any case, the preliminary analysis undertaken in [
21] demonstrates that availability can have a significant impact on the final energy generation, with energy losses of up to 35%.
1.3. Motivation
Hence, the task of assessing the availability of a deployment site turns as relevant as acknowledging the energy potential of the energy resource during the site-selection process for FOWT farms. Although the availability of FOWTs primarily depends on the system reliability and ageing mechanisms, in the long-run, failure occurrences are unavoidable and, thus, a high accessibility share is crucial. In fact, accessibility is considered as one of the main drivers of the O&M costs in ORE farms [
24], which are estimated to represent up to the 30% of the final cost in offshore wind farms [
25]. In fact, the literature suggests that, to achieve a wind farm availability of 90%, an accessibility of 80% is required [
20]. However, the precise assessment of accessibility requires a comprehensive metric that synthesises all the critical information, which, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, has not been suggested in the literature.
Ideally, such a precise accessibility assessment would be carried out via a technology-agnostic metric, providing the information on accessibility in any location worldwide only based on metocean data. However, accessibility highly depends on the type of O&M task and, consequently, the required infrastructure (i.e vessel, crew, and tools) for each task. In turn, the required O&M tasks depend on the specific characteristics of each technology. Therefore, a generic characterisation of accessibility can be carried out based only on metocean data, but a technology-agnostic accessibility metric that provides a precise assessment is unfeasible.
2. Accessibility Framework
In contrast, a
technology-informed metric involves significant difficulties to synthesize different components and their maintenance requirements, including failure and repair characteristics, in a single metric. Therefore, this paper suggests a comprehensive
technology-informed metric that combines the overall set of critical accessibility aspects and O&M operations, as illustrated in
Table 1. This novel metric will enable assessing a site with respect to the energy potential and accessibility characteristics, thus assisting the corresponding planners and decision makers in the site selection process.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 presents the accessibility framework describing the
technology-agnostic and
technology-informed metrics suggested in this paper,
Section 3 introduces the case study including the characteristics of the geographical location and the technology,
Section 4 presents the results for both accessibility metrics, and
Section 5 draws the main conclusions.
Traditionally, accessibility has been quantified by defining an approachability parameter to an ORE farm, that is, the ratio between the time that the farm is accessible over the total amount of time. Commonly, the total amount of time corresponds to the lifetime of the farm (
), and the accessibility metric is given as a percentage of the lifetime in which it is feasible to access the farm,
is the number of valid WWs. However, the requirements of the valid WW are defined using specific operational limits (
) and repair and trip times. Only if all these conditions are fulfilled along the considered time frame (
), the WW is considered as a window in which accessing the farm is feasible (WW
). Otherwise, the farm results inaccessible, meaning that the O&M personnel needs to wait until all conditions are fulfilled, so the time frame is considered as a waiting time (WT
). However, each type of component and/or fault requires different operational limits and repair/trip times, meaning that the accessibility metric obtained for each combination of these parameters will be different. Therefore, the traditional accessibility metric is referred to as the
technology-agnostic metric (
), and is not capable of providing a single comprehensive metric for a specific technology and location.
The computation of such a single comprehensive metric needs to synthesise the overall set of possible O&M interventions required by a specific technology,
i.e. different combinations of operational limits and repair/trip times, into a single value. To that end, the present paper suggests a
technology-informed accessibility metric based on the weighted average of these potential combinations as follows,
is the total number of considered O&M tasks and
stands for the weight of each of such interventions. The definition of these weights is discussed later in
Section 2.4 and evaluated in
Section 4.3.2.
Figure 2 illustrates the schematic view of the algorithm, discerning between the
technology-agnostic and
technology-informed metrics. In the following, the description of each model is presented, including the three conditions (
, which refer to the limiting conditions related to metocean conditions, sea fog and daylight, respectively) required to consider a valid WW.
2.1. Weather Window Modelling with Metocean Data
The identification of the WWs that fulfil the requirements of O&M tasks is commonly based on
data alone, as shown in
Table 1. In that case, the whole hindcast dataset is evaluated to identify the windows of consecutive data-points below the threshold (
), filtering the windows that are shorter than the required window (
) and measuring the length of each valid WW
. This process is illustrated in
Figure 3 (a).
is not the only factor limiting accessibility and, thus, any assessment based exclusively on
may result in an overestimated representation of the real accessibility. Some studies in the literature include the combination of
, so that a WW to be considered valid needs to fulfil both constraints, namely
, together, which can reduce accessibility assessment significantly.
Figure 3 (b) illustrates the impact of considering the
, where, assuming a
h, three different window types are observed: the red one stands for an unworkable window (even considering only
) because it is shorter than
; the orange shows a lapse that becomes impracticable when considering the combination
; and the green window is the only valid WW.

2.2. Visibility Model
Besides metocean data, visibility is an important aspect for accessibility, since O&M tasks become unfeasible with low visibility regardless of the metocean conditions. Nevertheless, visibility is commonly neglected in the studies presented in the literature, as illustrated in
Table 1. There are two main factors that affect visibility significantly: light and sea fog. The former is directly related to sunlight, although artificial light could also be used in extraordinary cases, while the latter can be given as a subproduct of the liquid water content in the clouds.
2.2.1. Sunlight Estimation
The sunlight model incorporated in the framework suggested in this paper is inspired in the solar calculator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [
26], which, itself, is based on equations from Astronomical Algorithms developed by Jean Meeus [
27]. The model provides the daily sunlight duration over an arbitrary time period at a generic geographical location defined by means of the longitude and latitude. Sunlight duration is estimated by computing daily sunrise and sunset times as a function of time, as well as both sun declination and elevation.
Figure 4 (a) and (b) illustrate the estimation of sunrise/sunset time and sunlight duration for a generic yearly period in the North of Spain, respectively. For the sake of simplicity, only sunlight hours are considered to be adequate for O&M operations in this study, neglecting the potential assistance of artificial illumination.
It should be noted that this estimation model is sensitive to the variation in the atmospheric composition,
i.e. temperature, humidity and pressure. Therefore, the real observed values may vary from the estimations. In any case, the model can be considered theoretically accurate, with an error of less than a minute for latitudes between ±72
and up to 10 minutes beyond the ±72
limit [
2.2.2. Sea Fog ESTIMATION
Sea fog is a common meteorological phenomenon in the ocean and coastal regions, and is well known to cause horizontal visibility loss [
8], significantly influencing human activities. However, loss of visibility due to sea fog is a complex phenomenon to model. One of the main factors that describes the sea fog is the liquid water content in clouds, which is a variable that the ERA5 reanalysis provides. However, the complexity lies on the definition of a threshold above which visibility is reduced to an extent that O&M tasks become unfeasible. Following [
28], such a threshold is set to 0.004 g/kg at 1000 hPa in this study. Therefore, as illustrated in
Figure 2, the operational limit imposed by the sea fog is incorporated as part of the metocean data, by means of including an additional condition for the identification of a valid WW.
2.3. O&M Vessel Classification
The selection of the appropriate set of assets is crucial for the successful performance of any O&M intervention. Among all the assets, vessels have the highest impact on accessibility, since their operational limits define the thresholds for the metocean data, as shown in
Figure 2.
The vessels employed in O&M operations are usually classified into three main groups depending on the type of intervetion they carry out: i) CTV-like vessels are suggested for the transport of operators, spare parts and tools, and minor O&M tasks; FSV-like vessels are designed for medium O&M interventions; and HLV-like vessels are proposed for major O&M operations, which commonly require large cranes mounted on the vessel to perform operations at higher altitudes.
2.4. Failure Classification
Information about failures and repairs is one of the key factors for the assessment of the technology-informed accessibility. A comprehensive assessment should be able to articulate such failure and repair data with the O&M requirements for all the critical components. However, even a simplified description of an offshore wind turbine can result in a list of about 20 sub-assemblies/components, increasing the complexity of the analysis significantly. Therefore, [
25] suggests a classification for these components as a function of similarities in failure rates, repair times and O&M requirements (
i.e. type of equipment, operators, vessels, etc.), in order operate with a manageable amount of data.
Hence, a
technology-informed metric defined in Equation (
3) can be defined as a combination of three types of O&M interventions for which the weights are given as a function of the failure-rate or the downtime caused by the failure. In the former, only the information about the failures is considered, while the latter also articulates the information about the requirements of the repair. Both schemes are analysed in
Section 4.3.2 in order to evaluate the impact of the weights on the definition of the
technology-agnostic metric.
3. Case Study
This study aims at assessing the accessibility across European waters, for which five different locations have been defined, covering sites with different metocean conditions. Additionally, technology-agnostic and technology-informed metrics are analysed, with the latter including the data obtained from 10 wind farms across Europe. Therefore, the technology-informed approach may be said to represent a generic offshore wind case.
3.1. Geographical Locations & Metocean Data
The five locations selected for the present study are based on offshore wind farms that are currently operative or, otherwise, are projected to be deployed soon. In addition, these five locations represent the main areas of interest in European waters: lower Atlantic Ocean (Portuguese coast), upper Atlantic Ocean (West coast of Ireland), North Sea (North-East coast of Scotland), the Mediterranean sea (Tyrrhenian sea in Italy) and the Gulf of Biscay (the Basque coast).
Table 2 gathers the information about the wind farms deployed or planned in the different locations.
For each of these locations, metocean data is obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis, including , and cloud liquid water content for 60 years between 1959-2019. In addition, sunlight hours are estimated for each location. Finally, the closest harbours from where O&M vessels are expected to depart are designated for each location. This enables the definition of the distance from the wind farm to the port and estimate the trip time as a function of the cruise speed of each vessel. However, note that the specific capabilities of each harbour are not considered, assuming that all harbours allow all type of O&M vessels and interventions.
3.2. ORE Technology Failures
The data corresponding to the ORE technology required in the analysis includes the failure rates, repair times and the type of vessel needed for the O&M intervention. However, instead of using the data for a specific wind turbine, average values corresponding to 10 offshore wind farms presented in [
25] are used. This study provides the information about the three main groups of O&M interventions, namely minor, medium and major repairs. Thus, the average failure-rate, repair-time and vessel requirements are estimated for each type of O&M intervention, as defined in
Table 3. These failure-rates and repair-times enable the use of a simplified approach for modeling failures of a system via a stochastic process. For further details on the definition of the parameters shown in
Table 3, the reader is referred to [
It should be noted that the implementation of visibility as a limiting factor makes it unfeasible to carry out long O&M interventions in a continuous manner unless artificial light is used. As a consequence, in the case of a major repair task, it is assumed that operators will stay overnight on accommodation vessels and carry out subtasks of the major repair intervention during available windows. Other possibilities that may be interesting to analyse in future implementations of the code are discussed in
Section 5.
Finally, the characteristics of the vessels required in the different O&M interventions are shown in
Table 4, including the operational limits in terms of wave (
) and wind conditions (
). The values shown in
Table 3 and
Table 4 are taken from [
29], although different values can also be found in different studies. However, the uncertainty of these data is not analysed in the present paper.
4. Results
This section includes the main outcomes of the present study and is divided into two main parts. On the one hand, the potential of the technology-agnostic accessibility metric is evaluated. On the other hand, the technology-informed accessibility metric suggested in the present study is evaluated, quantifying the sensitivity of the metric to the definition of the weights. In addition, the novel technology-informed metric is used to evaluate the impact of visibility, intra- and inter-annual variations, and characteristics of the different geographical locations.
4.1. Technology-Agnostic Accessibility Assessment
technology-agnostic accessibility metric shows the feasibility to safely access a wind farm for different O&M interventions. However, a single metric is achieved for each specific technology and O&M intervention. Thus, a general accessibility analysis can only be carried out by means of a sensitivity analysis, varying the operational limit thresholds and the duration of the required operation, for example.
Figure 5 (a) and (b) illustrate such a sensitivity analysis in terms of the expected mean WT off the Basque coast for a broad range of operational limits (1
3 and 6
30 with
h) and WW requirements (1
3 and 4
12 for
m/s), respectively.
Results demonstrate that the mean WT is considerable (
h) for the vast majority of the analysed conditions, but increases significantly as operational limits become more restrictive or the required WW duration extends. However,
Figure 5 (a) and (b) depict the average conditions, which can vary significantly over the year. In this sense,
Figure 5 (c) and (d) depict the same WT sensitivity analysis for the Summer period, showing significantly lower WTs than the annual averages shown in
Figure 5 (a) and (b) . In contrast, the WTs for the Winter period illustrated in
Figure 5 (e) and (f) show the dramatic reduction of accessibility, demonstrating that Winter conditions are incompatible with most of the O&M interventions. In fact, notice that the maximum required
considered in this sensitivity analysis is relatively short and, thus, longer and more complex operations may be restricted to the Summer period. Waiting times increase over a factor of magnitude from Summer to Winter, reaching almost two factors of magnitude in specific locations that face the open Ocean.
In order to focus the analysis on more specific conditions, the overall, Summer and Winter WTs are identified for the three O&M vessels described in
Table 4, as illustrated in
Figure 5 (a), (c) and (e). Results for the three vessels are specified in
Table 5, including not only overall results, but also those corresponding to the Summer and Winter periods, showing significant differences between the distinct O&M vessels, geographical locations and seasons. The wind farms
Hywind and
MedWind show a relatively high accessibility even in Winter, with a maximum waiting time period of 50 hours for the HLV. The
GEROA wind farm also shows a decent accessibility in terms of overall metrics. However, the difference between Summer and Winter conditions is considerably larger, with very accessible Summer periods and relatively restricted Winters. In contrast,
WindFloat and
Clarus, particularly the latter, show a very limited accessibility. For example, Winter accessibility conditions for
MedWind are less restrictive than the Summer accessibility conditions for
Clarus and similar to those for
WindFloat. Thus, O&M interventions seem to be unfeasible during the Winter period.
4.2. Technology-Informed Accessibility Assessment
However, the information summarised in
Table 5 is obtained for three O&M vessels, unrelated to any specific information about failures or repairs. The articulation of the information related to the technology and the unconventional visibility information incorporated into the technology-informed metric is evaluated in
Section 4.2.1 and
Section 4.2.2, respectively. Once the O&M operation weights and visibility factors are evaluated and defined, a variability analysis is conducted along the last decades in
Section 4.3.1) and across different European sites in
Section 4.3.2).
4.2.1. Evaluation of Metric Weights: Failure-Based vs. Downtime-Based
technology-informed metric provides a single accessibility rate for a specific ORE technology using a weighted average value based on the three groups of different types of O&M interventions presented in
Table 3. These weights represent the degree of relevance of each group. Accordingly, these weights are calculated by means of two approaches based on the failure-rates and/or repair-times shown in
Table 3: the failure-based weights only consider the failure occurrence for each O&M intervention group, while the downtime-based weights combine the failure-rate with the required repair-time of each O&M operation group, considering not only the failure itself, but also the repair characteristics.
Table 6 shows the weights computed for failure- and downtime-based approaches, which are based on the occurrence of each type of failure when considering, respectively, only faults or combining faults and repair times. Hence, the minor repairs are shown to clearly dominate in the case of the failure-based metric, while this predominance is significantly reduced in the downtime-based approach. Particularly, the difference in the major repairs group should be highlighted, whose impact is multiplied by 10 in the downtime-based approach, increasing from 3.5% to 33.8%.
The higher relevance of the medium repair and major repair results in a considerably lower accessibility: up to 15% for the GEROA wind farm, as shown in
Figure 6. Similar values are also achieved for the rest of the geographical locations described in
Table 2. The downtime-based approach is considered to be more comprehensive and, consequently, the
technology-informed metric based on downtime-based weights is suggested as the reference metric for future implementations.
4.2.2. Impact of Visibility
The ideal scenario assumes an unlimited visibility, which is accepted by the vast majority of the studies presented in the literature, as shown in
Table 1.
Figure 7 (a) illustrates the accessibility for the GEROA wind farm under this unlimited assumption, evaluating the accessibility in each month over a period of 60 years. Accessibility is particularly high (close to 100%) around Summer,
i.e. between April and October, but decreases substantially in Winter. In addition, the resource is seen to be much more consistent in the Summer months, variability increasing substantially in Winter. In any case, the mean accessibility remains between 70%-100% all over the year under the unlimited accessibility assumption.
However, when the unlimited visibility assumption is improved by assuming a more realistic visibility that considers limited sunlight hours and sea fog, accessibility drops dramatically, as depicted in
Figure 7 (b). It should be noted that such a drop assumes that artificial light is not suitable for O&M interventions. Although the maximum mean accessibility values under the realistic scenario also appear during Summer months,
i.e. about 60% in May, June and July, this maximum mean value is considerably lower than the minimum mean value under the unlimited scenario, which almost reaches 70%. Additionally,
Figure 6 (b) illustrates the difference between unlimited and limited (more realistic) assumptions when computing the overall
technology-informed accessibility metric for the GEROA wind farm, where differences are shown to grow beyond 40% when using both the failure- and downtime-based weights. Therefore, neglecting visibility when assessing accessibility is shown to be perilous, since it can lead to conclusions that are misleading for carrying out a proper decision-making process. In addition, it should be highlighted that the 80% threshold established in the literature to achieve 90% availability [
20] is never achieved when limited visibility is considered, not even in Summer.
For modelling visibility, the most relevant factor is shown to be sunlight, reducing accessibility by 60% and 40% in Winter and Summer period, respectively, as illustrated in
Figure 8. Additionally, the daylight factor shows a relatively high sensitivity on the assessment of the visibility threshold. In fact, considering twilight suitable for O&M interventions, accessibility can increase considerably. Twilight duration varies with the geographical location, but considering one hour of twilight before and after the sunrise and sunset, respectively, accessibility increases by almost 10%, as demonstrated in
Figure 8. In contrast, visibility reduction due to sea fog accounts for only 5% in the worst case scenario.
4.3. Accessibility Assessment
Once the sensitivity of the different factor and approaches to compute the technology-informed accessibility metric is analysed, such a metric is used for the assessment of accessibility across Europe and along the last 6 decades between 1959-2019.
4.3.1. Intra- and Inter-Annual Variability
All the figures presented in
Section 4.2.2 provide monthly accessibility metrics, showing a clear difference between Summer and Winter months. However, the intra-annual variability is more complex and the mean accessibility metric masks such a complexity behind a single value. It has already been concluded that accessibility is more consistent during Summer months, but
Figure 9 illustrates this variability by means of monthly histograms and the corresponding probability density functions (PDFs). The inter-annual variability of sunlight is negligible, so the main source of these variations is the inter-annual fluctuation of the metocean conditions. Therefore, the variability analysis shown in
Figure 9 comes from accessibility estimations based on the unlimited visibility assumption. Accessibility varies within a range of 10% between 90-100% during the Summer months and over 90% of the time the variability reduces to the 95-100% range. Variability increases substantially to about 20% during Spring and Autumn, and up to 60% during Winter.
Besides the well-known inter-annual variations of the resource, longer-term trends have also been identified for metocean data in recent studies, which demonstrate the non-stationarity of the resource [
31] caused by the rise of the ocean temperature and global warming. Therefore, it is expected that global warming can also affect O&M of ORE technologies. In this sense, a pioneering study is carried out in [
32], concluding that the impact of climate change in O&M is almost negligible and may cause a small increase in vessel operability. However, results obtained in the present study and illustrated in
Figure 10 show that accessibility trends along the last 6 decades all over Europe are either negligible (
Hywind and
MedWind) or slightly negative (about 5% reduction in
Clarus and
WindFloat), meaning that vessel operability is either maintained or reduced. Note that the trends in
Figure 10 (b) are obtained via linear regression.
4.3.2. Sensitivity to Geographical Location
Finally, the relationship between the resource potential and accessibility is assessed, in order to evaluate whether it can be relevant for site-selection decision makers, since the ideal location should have both high energy density and accessibility. However, this is a rare combination to obtain indeed, so a trade-off between the two is usually pursued.
Among the five sites analysed in the present study,
MedWind and
GEROA wind farms show the highest accessibility (just over 40%), but these are the two locations with the lowest energy density, as illustrated in
Figure 11 (a). In contrast,
WindFloat and
Clarus show a significantly lower accessibility (about 30%), partially due to the considerably larger energy density. The
Hywind farm is the exception to this rule with an accessibility of over 40% and one of the greatest energy densities among the five different locations analysed in this study. It should be noticed that the difference between unlimited and limited (realistic) visibility assumptions is slightly larger for the Northern locations, although the difference between Southern and Northern locations is less relevant than expected.
The overall accessibility metrics shown in
Figure 11 (a) derive from the weighted sum of the accessibility metrics of the different O&M intervention classes defined in
Table 3, showing the accessibility using both failure- and downtime-based weights. The impact of the different approaches is shown to be similar for all the geographical locations. However, the accessibility for each type of O&M intervention diverges significantly for each geographical location.
Figure 11 (b) depicts the accessibility of each of these classes at each location, showing relevant information for O&M service providers. The accessibility for minor repair interventions is relatively high, slightly higher than the overall accessibility, while the accessibility for medium repair interventions is slightly lower. However, the major repair interventions are shown to be very difficult to perform, especially in the locations that are facing the open ocean like the West coasts in Portugal and Ireland, where the accessibility drops below 10%.
In fact, the windows for such major repair interventions only appear during the Summer months. Nevertheless, it can be argued that unexpected major failures are more likely to occur in the Winter period, due to higher loads and stress on mechanical and electrical components. In this worst-case scenario, the whole system would not be operational for several months, with consequent major losses. Within this context, predictive and scheduled maintenance acquire even greater importance, but should consider a more conservative estimation of the remaining useful life for each component, entailing higher maintenance costs.
5. Discussion
The selection of the appropriate sites for the deployment of offshore renewable energy farms is crucial for an efficient energy generation and the commercial viability of the technologies. However, traditionally, site selection is fundamentally based on the energy generation capacity, which simplifies operation and maintenance (O&M) aspects excessively. Accessibility is one of the main aspects that affects both O&M costs and energy generation, and the present paper suggests a technology-informed accessibility metric that considers all the key factors: metocean conditions, visibility, O&M logistics and characteristics of diverse O&M interventions. This novel metric is applied to five different realistic sites in the present study for the assessment of accessibility.
The relevance of each type of O&M intervention on the final accessibility rate is shown to have a considerable impact. The technology-informed accessibility metric is computed by means of a weighted average, for which the weights of the different types of O&M interventions are estimated by means of a failure-based and a downtime-based approach. The former considers only the information related to the failures and is shown to overestimate accessibility by about 10%, while the latter also articulates the information about the repairs, showing a more comprehensive accessibility metric.
On the other hand, results show that visibility is a critical factor that must be considered when assessing accessibility. Otherwise, the accessibility can be overestimated by up to 60% in Winter and about 40% in Summer. Sunlight is shown to be particularly important for the consideration of visibility, far more than any other factor such as sea fog, which represents less than 5% of the whole reduction in accessibility. In fact, the sensitivity of accessibility to twilight duration is greater, increasing by up to 10% if twilight is considered suitable for O&M interventions. However, if the lack of sunlight is a restraint for O&M tasks, the longest available weather windows are reduced to about 18 hours, meaning that any major intervention that requires longer windows is unfeasible. As a consequence, alternative strategies will be necessary, such as using artificial light, dividing these long interventions into shorter and consecutive tasks or towing to port for the so that the O&M tasks can be performed safely regardless of the metocean conditions. In any case, the consideration of these alternative strategies is expected to have an impact on the accessibility rates shown in the present study.
The long-term trends of the resource due to global warming seems to have a relatively low impact, but in the opposite direction compared to other studies suggested in the literature. Accessibility remains relatively constant along the last six decades in North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, while it seems to decrease by about 5% in the sites located in the Atlantic Ocean. However, these conclusions need to be further studied before they can be considered as definitive.
Finally, the need for considering accessibility in the site selection process is demonstrated. Although, ideally, sites with high power density and accessibility are preferable, this combination is shown to be very rare. Only the site in North-East Scotland fulfils both requirements, while, in the rest of the sites, high power density leads to lower accessibility. This is highly relevant for the site selection decision makers, since, eventually, the critical factor for the decision making is the final cost of energy. However, the impact of accessibility in the energy generation and O&M costs can only be estimated by means of a holistic techno-economic model that effectively accounts for O&M aspects. Indeed, future work will focus on the determination of the impact of accessibility on the energy generation and O&M costs.
This publication is part of the research project TED2021-132767A-I00 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the research project funded by the Basque Government’s ELKARTEK 2021 program under the grant No. KK-2023/00086, HAZITEK program under the grant No ZE-2021/00042. Finally, the authors from the Fluid Mechanics research group at Mondragon University are also supported by the Basque Government’s Research Group Program under the grant No. IT1505-22, M. Centeno is funded by the Predoctoral Training Program under the grant No. PRE_2022_2_0137 and J.I. Aizpurua is funded by Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion Fellowship (Spanish State Research Agency - grant number IJC2019-039183-I) .
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Figure 1.
Schematic diagram of Accessibility.
Figure 1.
Schematic diagram of Accessibility.
Figure 2.
Schematic diagram of the accessibility metric suggested in this study (respective sections referred in brackets).
Figure 2.
Schematic diagram of the accessibility metric suggested in this study (respective sections referred in brackets).
Figure 3.
Schematic representation of the WW identification: a) and b).
Figure 3.
Schematic representation of the WW identification: a) and b).
Figure 4.
Sunlight estimation model outputs: a) sunrise and sunset times and b) sunlight duration along a year.
Figure 4.
Sunlight estimation model outputs: a) sunrise and sunset times and b) sunlight duration along a year.
Figure 5.
Sensitivity analysis of the technology-agnostic accessibility assessment off the Basque coast.
Figure 5.
Sensitivity analysis of the technology-agnostic accessibility assessment off the Basque coast.
Figure 6.
Comparison of the failure- and downtime-based accessibility metrics for the GEROA wind farm.
Figure 6.
Comparison of the failure- and downtime-based accessibility metrics for the GEROA wind farm.
Figure 7.
Monthly accessibility off the Basque coast under (a) unlimited visibility assumption and (b) under limited (realistic) visibility.
Figure 7.
Monthly accessibility off the Basque coast under (a) unlimited visibility assumption and (b) under limited (realistic) visibility.
Figure 8.
Impact of different visibility factors.
Figure 8.
Impact of different visibility factors.
Figure 9.
Intra-annual accessibility variability.
Figure 9.
Intra-annual accessibility variability.
Figure 10.
Inter-annual variability of accessibility along the decades.
Figure 10.
Inter-annual variability of accessibility along the decades.
Figure 11.
The impact of geographical location on the overall accessibility: (a) classified in subassembly/component groups and (b) whole wind turbine.
Figure 11.
The impact of geographical location on the overall accessibility: (a) classified in subassembly/component groups and (b) whole wind turbine.
Table 1.
Main characteristics of the different accessibility assessment studies presented in the literature.
Table 1.
Main characteristics of the different accessibility assessment studies presented in the literature.
Table 2.
Main information of the selected wind farms.
Table 2.
Main information of the selected wind farms.
Wind farm
name |
Country |
phase |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Kincardine Hywind
Scotland |
commissioned |
57.2 N |
2 W |
MedWind |
Italy |
Early planning |
38.3 N |
12.2 E |
Country |
Early planning |
43.5 N |
3.1 W |
WindFloat |
Portugal |
commissioned |
41.7 N |
9.1 W |
Clarus |
Ireland |
Early planning |
52.6 N |
10.1 W |
Table 3.
Classification of the type of operations, including failure and repair data and the type of vessel required.
Table 3.
Classification of the type of operations, including failure and repair data and the type of vessel required.
Type of
operation |
repair |
repair |
repair |
Failure-rate () ] |
6.81 |
1.17 |
0.29 |
Repair-time ()
6.67 |
17.64 |
116.19 |
Vessel type |
Table 4.
O&M vessel characteristics: operational limits.
Table 4.
O&M vessel characteristics: operational limits.
Type of
vessel |
(m) |
(m/s) |
CTV-like |
2.5 |
30 |
FSV-like |
1.8 |
30 |
HLV-like |
1.5 |
25 |
Table 5.
Waiting times for the three types of O&M vessels at the five locations evaluated in this study.
Table 5.
Waiting times for the three types of O&M vessels at the five locations evaluated in this study.
Table 6.
Failure- and downtime-based weights for the technology-informed accessibility metric.
Table 6.
Failure- and downtime-based weights for the technology-informed accessibility metric.
Type of
operation |
repair |
repair |
repair |
82.3 |
14.1 |
3.5 |
46.5 |
20.7 |
33.8 |
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