Version 1
: Received: 3 July 2023 / Approved: 3 July 2023 / Online: 3 July 2023 (08:27:55 CEST)
How to cite:
Abd Rahim, M. H. Microbial Fermentation: Unleashing the Micronutrients and Functional Potential of Food and Beverages. Preprints2023, 2023070019.
Abd Rahim, M. H. Microbial Fermentation: Unleashing the Micronutrients and Functional Potential of Food and Beverages. Preprints 2023, 2023070019.
Abd Rahim, M. H. Microbial Fermentation: Unleashing the Micronutrients and Functional Potential of Food and Beverages. Preprints2023, 2023070019.
APA Style
Abd Rahim, M. H. (2023). Microbial Fermentation: Unleashing the Micronutrients and Functional Potential of Food and Beverages. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Abd Rahim, M. H. 2023 "Microbial Fermentation: Unleashing the Micronutrients and Functional Potential of Food and Beverages" Preprints.
Microorganisms present in fermented foods and beverages play a vital role in enhancing both nutritive and non-nutritive components. During the fermentation, microorganisms can either naturally occur in the food through spontaneous fermentation or be intentionally added as starter cultures with a variety of species and strains. In this review, the focus is placed on micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, and three major macromolecules – prebiotics, bioactive peptides, and functional fatty acids. During fermentation, non-digestible carbohydrates like fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides are synthesized, imparting prebiotic properties that support gut health. Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins by microorganisms yields bioactive peptides with diverse health benefits. Furthermore, fermentation facilitates the formation of fatty acids, including short-chain fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid, potentially exerting physiological effects. By harnessing the power of microbial fermentation, nutrient-rich and bioactive compounds can be enhanced, offering a promising approach to address global malnutrition concerns.
Biology and Life Sciences, Food Science and Technology
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