Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Shaping the Conscious Behavior of the Product Designer in the Early Stages of the Project: Promoting the Correct Selection of Materials and the Green Self-Identity, Through a New Conceptual Model.

Version 1 : Received: 28 June 2023 / Approved: 29 June 2023 / Online: 29 June 2023 (11:35:44 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Sun, Z.; Doiro, M.; Sá, J.C.; Santos, G. Shaping the Conscious Behaviors of Product Designers in the Early Stages of Projects: Promoting Correct Material Selection and Green Self-Identity through a New Conceptual Model. Sustainability 2023, 15, 14463. Sun, Z.; Doiro, M.; Sá, J.C.; Santos, G. Shaping the Conscious Behaviors of Product Designers in the Early Stages of Projects: Promoting Correct Material Selection and Green Self-Identity through a New Conceptual Model. Sustainability 2023, 15, 14463.


Material selection for product design is a complex task. Thus, one of the objectives of this work is to analyze, understand and promote the importance of selection of materials to conceive quality products with help of designers' that promote green self-identity in the early stage of the conception of new products. A questionnaire was sent to professional designers and engineers. 38 responses were validated, this being the sample of our study. The aspects that influence the complex selection of materials and the final quality of the products through the design and production process is presented. As a result of the answers carried out with product designers who work in the market, with students who are graduating and with some engineers, a new approach for the selection of materials was developed. Based on a collection of main ideas from traditional and non-traditional methods of material selection, seeking to group the maximum requirements of both methods, inspired by the "Canvas" model on the basic modular methodology, a new model for a project of new product is presented. Our study focuses on the selection of materials, since this aspect is one of the most relevant steps in early stage of the prototyping phase of new products, with a view to reducing CO2 from the air in the atmosphere that we all breathe. The classification of materials is complex, due to the diversity of available options. The novelty of this model is that all properties of the newly designed product, such as technical, aesthetic, productive, environmental and other properties, are all grouped in a model, which serves as an innovative support. Thus, the designer has at his disposal a tool that can help him in the selection of the best material for the products he designs. This study intends to make a contribution in the field of material selection, quality and design of new products, promoting a green self-identity for designers in the initial phase of product design. Consequently, all consumers in search of a sustainable planet will profit from it.


Product Design; Green Self-identity; Environment-friendly products; Materials Selection; Material Properties; Databases; Product Quality.


Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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