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A Physical Mechanism of the Generation of Stable Positive Kinetic Energy Systems and a Qualitative Explanation of the Proportions of the Four Ingredients in the Universe
Wang, H.-Y. A Physical Mechanism of the Generation of Stable Positive Kinetic Energy Systems and a Qualitative Explanation of the Proportions of the Four Ingredients in the Universe. Physics Essays 2023, 36, 385–398, doi:10.4006/0836-1398-36.4.385.
Wang, H.-Y. A Physical Mechanism of the Generation of Stable Positive Kinetic Energy Systems and a Qualitative Explanation of the Proportions of the Four Ingredients in the Universe. Physics Essays 2023, 36, 385–398, doi:10.4006/0836-1398-36.4.385.
Wang, H.-Y. A Physical Mechanism of the Generation of Stable Positive Kinetic Energy Systems and a Qualitative Explanation of the Proportions of the Four Ingredients in the Universe. Physics Essays 2023, 36, 385–398, doi:10.4006/0836-1398-36.4.385.
Wang, H.-Y. A Physical Mechanism of the Generation of Stable Positive Kinetic Energy Systems and a Qualitative Explanation of the Proportions of the Four Ingredients in the Universe. Physics Essays 2023, 36, 385–398, doi:10.4006/0836-1398-36.4.385.
The author’s opinion is that the negative energy solutions of the Dirac equation mean that a particle can be of negative kinetic energy (NKE) besides positive kinetic energy (PKE). We think that NKE particles are dark ones and NKE matter is dark matter. In our previous works, the dark matter theory of the NKE version and the dark energy theory that matched dark matter theory were put forth. In this work, we investigate the topics related to the metamorphosis of objects between PKE and NKE. We first evaluate the collosions between a PKE and a NKE particles. A scenario of accelerating PKE particles is raised. We put forth the cosmic dark radiation background and gravity potential background. In the universe, negative energy is predominating. In the observable universe, substances constitute stable PKE systems. The total energy of every such system is negative. We propose a mechanism that NKE substances combine into stable PKE systems. Macroscopically, NKE objects can constitute stable PKE astrophysical systems by means of gravity between them. Microscopically, NKE particles can combine into stable PKE systems by means of attractive interactions between them, say, Coulomb attraction. Currently, people think that there are four ingrediants in the universe: photons \Omega_R0, matter \Omega_M0, dark matter \Omega_DM, and dark energy \Omega_\lambda0. We analyze the order of the appearance of the four ingredients and conclude that qualitatively, their proportions should be \Omega_\lambda0 > \Omega_DM > \Omega_M0 > \Omega_R0.
stable system; dark matter; dark energy; positive kinetic energy; negative kinetic energy; cosmic dark radiation background; gravity potential background
Physical Sciences, Quantum Science and Technology
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