Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Increased Effect of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Vaccine Struc-Tural Protein Antibody Positive Rates in Piglets Orally Treated With Zinc-Aspartic Acid

Version 1 : Received: 5 May 2023 / Approved: 5 May 2023 / Online: 5 May 2023 (10:05:52 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Lee, B.-R.; Lee, H.-J.; Kim, N.-H.; Kim, Y.-S.; Park, K.I. Increased Effect of Foot-And-Mouth Disease Virus Vaccine Structural Protein Antibody Positivity Rates in Piglets Orally Treated with Amino–Zinc Complex. Animals 2023, 13, 2027. Lee, B.-R.; Lee, H.-J.; Kim, N.-H.; Kim, Y.-S.; Park, K.I. Increased Effect of Foot-And-Mouth Disease Virus Vaccine Structural Protein Antibody Positivity Rates in Piglets Orally Treated with Amino–Zinc Complex. Animals 2023, 13, 2027.


FMD is a highly contagious animal disease that occurs in cloven-hoofed animals including pigs. To prevent FMD, vaccines and adjuvants are used to induce an immune response, but it is not sufficient to show the effect of preventing viral infection. In this study, we conducted to evaluate the increasing effect of FMD vaccine SP antibody by administrating Zn-ASP to 100 pigs from three test pig farms with feed. FMD vaccine antibody titer and immunological index were analyzed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit, and hematological and blood biochemical parameters were analyzed using an automatic blood analyzer. The titer of FMD vaccine SP antibody in the 0.2% Zn-ASP-administered group significantly increased compared to that in the positive control group only injected with FMD vaccine at 4 weeks after the first vaccination and at 4, 8 and 16 weeks after the second vaccination, respectively (p<0.05). The FMD vaccine SP antibody positive rate was 100% until shipment. IFN-γ and IgA were significantly increased by Zn-ASP administration 4 weeks after the first vaccination and 4 weeks after the second vaccination (p<0.05). On the other hand, serum AST, and CPK (p<0.001) were significantly decreased by Zn-ASP. Our results show that the administration of Zn-ASP is effective in enhancing the antibody titer and immunity of the FMD vaccine by FMD vaccination, and it is thought that it can be used as an oral adjuvant (OrAd) to prevent viral diseases such as FMD.


Oral Adjuvant (OAdj); Piglet Clinical Trial; Antibody Positivity Rate; FMD Vaccine Antibody Titer; Immunological Index


Biology and Life Sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Zoology

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