Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Land Cover Change and Food Security in Central Sumba: Challenge and Opportunity in the Decentralization Era in Indonesia

Version 1 : Received: 22 February 2023 / Approved: 28 February 2023 / Online: 28 February 2023 (02:43:40 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Ngongo, Y.; deRosari, B.; Basuki, T.; Njurumana, G.N.; Nugraha, Y.; Harianja, A.H.; Ardha, M.; Kustiyo, K.; Shofiyati, R.; Heryanto, R.B.; Rawung, J.B.M.; Sondakh, J.O.M.; Senewe, R.E.; daSilva, H.; Hutapea, R.T.P.; Mattitaputty, P.R.; Kenduballa, Y.P.; Kotta, N.R.E.; Seran, Y.L.; Hau, D.K.; Oktaviani, D.; Nugroho, H.Y.S.H. Land Cover Change and Food Security in Central Sumba: Challenges and Opportunities in the Decentralization Era in Indonesia. Land 2023, 12, 1043. Ngongo, Y.; deRosari, B.; Basuki, T.; Njurumana, G.N.; Nugraha, Y.; Harianja, A.H.; Ardha, M.; Kustiyo, K.; Shofiyati, R.; Heryanto, R.B.; Rawung, J.B.M.; Sondakh, J.O.M.; Senewe, R.E.; daSilva, H.; Hutapea, R.T.P.; Mattitaputty, P.R.; Kenduballa, Y.P.; Kotta, N.R.E.; Seran, Y.L.; Hau, D.K.; Oktaviani, D.; Nugroho, H.Y.S.H. Land Cover Change and Food Security in Central Sumba: Challenges and Opportunities in the Decentralization Era in Indonesia. Land 2023, 12, 1043.


This study focuses on land cover and land management changes in relation to food security and environmental services in a semi-arid area of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) – Indonesia. The study was conducted in Central Sumba District of ENT Province. Classification and regression tree (CART) for land cover classification has been analyzed using machine learning techniques using Google Earth Engine. A survey with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and followed with in-depth interviews were conducted for primary data collection involving a total of 871 respondents. The Socio-economic data analyzed statistics descriptively and non-parametric tests. The study showed that: 1). There has been a substantial land use change during the devo-lution era that has both positive and negative implications for food security and envi-ronmental services. 2). There has been population pressure in the fertile or agricultur-al land as the direct impact of the development of city infrastructures; and 3). Nation-al intervention through the Food Estate program has fostered and shaped land use change and land management in Central Sumba District. The study highlights the importance that the devolution spirit should help to well manage the limited ara-ble/agricultural land in dominated semi-arid to ensure food security and environment services.


Devolution; land cover change; semi-arod; food security; arable land; coservation; environment services


Biology and Life Sciences, Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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