Paula Domínguez-Marquez and Bartolomé Pizà-Mir (2022). Emotional Intelligence
and Empathy in Pre-Primary Teachers: A Pilot Test. International Journal of Education and Teaching, 2(2),
1-8. doi: 10.51483/IJEDT.2.2.2022.1-8.
Paula Domínguez-Marquez and Bartolomé Pizà-Mir (2022). Emotional Intelligence
and Empathy in Pre-Primary Teachers: A Pilot Test. International Journal of Education and Teaching, 2(2),
1-8. doi: 10.51483/IJEDT.2.2.2022.1-8.
Paula Domínguez-Marquez and Bartolomé Pizà-Mir (2022). Emotional Intelligence
and Empathy in Pre-Primary Teachers: A Pilot Test. International Journal of Education and Teaching, 2(2),
1-8. doi: 10.51483/IJEDT.2.2.2022.1-8.
Paula Domínguez-Marquez and Bartolomé Pizà-Mir (2022). Emotional Intelligence
and Empathy in Pre-Primary Teachers: A Pilot Test. International Journal of Education and Teaching, 2(2),
1-8. doi: 10.51483/IJEDT.2.2.2022.1-8.
Today, concepts such as Emotional Education and Emotional Intelligence are recognized by many authors and researchers, emphasizing the importance of their development in all people, but especially in schools, specifically in teachers or educators and children. However, we still find many shortcomings within the schools that are needed to continue working. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of emotional intelligence and empathy in teachers, through a sample of 42 participants. The research was conducted based on two validated and highly reliable assessment tools, called TMMS-24 and TECA. The results of the TMMS-24 indicate that a large percentage of participants have an adequate score of emotional intelligence. The results of the TECA indicate that most of the participants are in the middle, high or extremely high scores in relation to the level of empathy.
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