Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

A Systematic Review of Blockchain Technology in Current Epoch: Applications, Adoption Challenges, and Opportunities

Version 1 : Received: 14 July 2022 / Approved: 18 July 2022 / Online: 18 July 2022 (10:10:46 CEST)

How to cite: Nouman, M.; Azam, M.; Rehman Gill, A. A Systematic Review of Blockchain Technology in Current Epoch: Applications, Adoption Challenges, and Opportunities. Preprints 2022, 2022070259. Nouman, M.; Azam, M.; Rehman Gill, A. A Systematic Review of Blockchain Technology in Current Epoch: Applications, Adoption Challenges, and Opportunities. Preprints 2022, 2022070259.


Blockchain innovation stands out enough to be noticed and adopted in various countries and organizations around the world. Many businesses, including finance, medical services, inventory networks, security, libraries, and the internet of things, are currently under attack. For the benefit of the blockchain, many businesses incorporate blockchain technology into their frameworks. Despite its solidarity, blockchain faces a few challenges in security, protection, adaptability, and other areas. This paper examines the forward leap in blockchain innovation, as well as its applications and challenges. While many blockchain papers focus on digital currencies, IoT, and security, this paper focuses on the overall best in a class of blockchain innovation, its new twists and turns, and choices, particularly in areas other than cryptographic forms of money. The investigators' goal is to provide a thorough audit of the cryptography underlying blockchain to better understand the innovation. The examiners also conduct general research on people and venture blockchains, as well as future exploration opportunities and their implications for blockchain innovation.


Blockchain; Blockchain Technology; Cryptocurrency; Applications; Challenges; Opportunities


Computer Science and Mathematics, Information Systems

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