Abstract: Background: Stunting is primarily a public health concern in LMIC. The involvement of Integrated Service Post cadres is one of the strategies to combat stunting in Indonesia. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of a short course on cadres knowledge. Method: A single group pre-post test design was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from March to May 2022. Thirty cadres were selected based on the following criteria: willingness to participate, the number of stunted children in their Integrated Service Post (Posyandu), and full attendance at short course. The knowledge scores were measured by a structured questionnaire after short course (post-test 1) and 4 weeks later (post-test 2). We apply STATA 16 to calculate the mean difference (MD) using a t-test and Generalized Estimated Equation (GEE). Furthermore, the adequacy of the short course was evaluated with in-depth interviews. Result: On post-tests 1 and 2, cadres' knowledge of IYCF, children growth monitoring (CGM) and children development monitoring (CDM) significantly improved. The GEE analysis showed that a short course significantly improves cadres' knowledge after age control, education, occupation, and years of experience. Conclusion: Short course in-creased their affection, self-efficacy, and confidence, hence, they are capable of assisting children through home visits.