Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Classical-Relativistic Variability of Inertia of Photon Displacement Mass in the Matter and the Specific Vacuum Temperature

Version 1 : Received: 18 March 2022 / Approved: 21 March 2022 / Online: 21 March 2022 (11:21:56 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Cardoso, DS, Bordin JR. Classical-relativistic variability of inertia of photon displacement mass in the matter and the specific vacuum temperature. Optik, Volume 260, 2022, 169081, ISSN 0030-4026. Cardoso, DS, Bordin JR. Classical-relativistic variability of inertia of photon displacement mass in the matter and the specific vacuum temperature. Optik, Volume 260, 2022, 169081, ISSN 0030-4026.


The effects of photon inertia on the determination of its trajectory were verified and the representation of a displacement mass characterized by the flow of the number of wavefronts and the decomposition of photon inertia into parts associated with translation and rotation motions was considered. It was found that with the relativistic increase of the photon's resistance to change its directional properties, it inhibits the relativistic trajectory of the second torque, of Minkowski, in an angular range of incidence. After synchronizations, in the OAM inversions, there are reductions of the inertia associated to the translational part that assumes classical predominance, where the relativistic trajectory is allowed while the photon offers less resistance to changes in its directional properties. The classical-relativistic variability of the photon inertia characterizes the classical or relativistic profile of the energy distribution in forms of motion, where adjustments of the rotational and translational parts can be performed as a function of the refractive index rate, temperature and angle of incidence. It was found that with increasing temperature of the refringent medium, the synchronizations displacement in the sense of the normal incidence. A specific vacuum temperature for the refringent medium was characterized, where the photon exhibits a classical-relativistic synchronization under all angles of incidence, characteristic of its immaterial state in vacuum.


photon inertia; inertia momenta; photon inertia variability; photon inertia momenta variability; specific vacuum temperature; Abraham momenta; Minkowski momenta; relativistic energy wave; translational inertia; rotational inertia; photon displacement mass


Physical Sciences, Optics and Photonics

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