Version 1
: Received: 28 February 2022 / Approved: 1 March 2022 / Online: 1 March 2022 (15:01:52 CET)
How to cite:
Hwang, J.-K. Physical Properties of Elementary Particles, Photon Space and Quantum Wave Functions. Preprints2022, 2022030026.
Hwang, J.-K. Physical Properties of Elementary Particles, Photon Space and Quantum Wave Functions. Preprints 2022, 2022030026.
Hwang, J.-K. Physical Properties of Elementary Particles, Photon Space and Quantum Wave Functions. Preprints2022, 2022030026.
APA Style
Hwang, J. K. (2022). Physical Properties of Elementary Particles, Photon Space and Quantum Wave Functions. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hwang, J. 2022 "Physical Properties of Elementary Particles, Photon Space and Quantum Wave Functions" Preprints.
The time symmetry of Tc = CT is redefined based on the 4-D Euclidean space. The time inversion symmetry of Tc = CT changes the signs of the charge (q) and absolute time (ct) of the particle. The P symmetry changes the signs of the space momenta and handedness of the particle. The Tc symmetry changes the signs of the time momentum (Pt=E/c) and charges. The handedness are classified as the left-handedness and right-handedness on the 3-D space. The charges (|q| = cDt) and energies (E= cDtDV) of the particles are originated from the upward warping (q>0) and downward warping (q<0) of the particles along the time axis. The evolution of our matter universe with Pt > 0 since the big bang can be interpreted based on the CTP symmetry with the partner antimatter universe with pt < 0. The photon space is called as the vacuum space. Then the E and M waves are the space fluctuations, and the gravitational G wave is the time fluctuations. And the E, M and G fields are newly explained. The zero E and M fields of the photon space indicates that the photon space and gamma ray are the 2EM waves. The rest mass energy of the particle is the 4-D space volume of the warped photon space. In the present work, the quantum wave function is considered as the 4-D vector with the space wave function and time axis wave function in the 4-D Euclidean space. The warped photon space corresponds to the squared wave function which is the probability density. It is concluded that, in the quantum mechanics, the imaginary number concept is introduced in the quantum wave functions instead of the time axis component of the 4-D wave function vector. The left-handed neutrino puzzle is explained from the handedness partner relation with the right-handed dark matters. Finally, the modified Lorentz transformations derived in the 4-D Euclidean space are compared with the Lorentz transformations of the special and general relativity theories in the 4-D Minkowski space.
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