PreprintArticleVersion 1Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed
Evaluation of Density Reduction of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes and Biosecurity of the Use of a Paint Containing Propoxur in Selected Houses in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Version 1
: Received: 25 November 2021 / Approved: 29 November 2021 / Online: 29 November 2021 (12:48:34 CET)
How to cite:
Villegas, A.; Castañeda, J.; Pruñonosa, J.; Arce, R.; Álvarez, G. Evaluation of Density Reduction of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes and Biosecurity of the Use of a Paint Containing Propoxur in Selected Houses in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Preprints2021, 2021110538.
Villegas, A.; Castañeda, J.; Pruñonosa, J.; Arce, R.; Álvarez, G. Evaluation of Density Reduction of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes and Biosecurity of the Use of a Paint Containing Propoxur in Selected Houses in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Preprints 2021, 2021110538.
Villegas, A.; Castañeda, J.; Pruñonosa, J.; Arce, R.; Álvarez, G. Evaluation of Density Reduction of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes and Biosecurity of the Use of a Paint Containing Propoxur in Selected Houses in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Preprints2021, 2021110538.
APA Style
Villegas, A., Castañeda, J., Pruñonosa, J., Arce, R., & Álvarez, G. (2021). Evaluation of Density Reduction of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> Mosquitoes and Biosecurity of the Use of a Paint Containing Propoxur in Selected Houses in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Villegas, A., Ricardo Arce and Gerardo Álvarez. 2021 "Evaluation of Density Reduction of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> Mosquitoes and Biosecurity of the Use of a Paint Containing Propoxur in Selected Houses in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico" Preprints.
This study investigated the development of Aedes aegypti density in houses of the urban locality of Poblado Miguel Alemán Valdes, in the Sonora state of Mexico, after application of 1% propoxur paint as full wall coverage (IP) and targeted indoor painting (IP 1m) in comparison to IRS with propoxur 70% WP (full wall coverage). The 1% propoxur paint was applied by the homeowners by brushing and rolling at the recommended dose of 1L/8 m², equivalent to 1.5 g a.i./m2, while IRS was conducted by professionals with Propoxur 70% WP at a dose of 1 g a.i./m2. Adult mosquito surveys were conducted in a random sample of houses in each block one week before the interventions and at week 1, month 1 to 4, month 6, month 9 and month 12 post-interventions. All three propoxur based treatments provided similar reductions (43.7%, 44.9% and 41.3% for IP, IP 1m and IRS respectively) in the fraction of houses positive in female Aedes aegypti resting indoor and outdoor as one year average of 8 follow up surveys. Indoor resting density of Aedes females during the one-year evaluation was reduced by 77.5% through IP followed by IP 1m with 64.2% reduction and 30% reduction with IRS. Culex mosquitoes’ interior density was affected as well by the insecticide treatments with similar average reductions for IP 1m (50.0%) and IRS (57.8%) in comparison with control. Aedes breeding was impacted by the insecticide paint in similar extent for both interventions, expressed by a substantial reduction of the House Index (20.1% IP, 31.2% IP 1m) and especially the Container Index (51.8% IP, 61.7% IP 1m) during the one-year surveys in comparison to control. In contrast, IRS treated block experienced an increase in both indexes. However, despite IP and IP 1m impacted in Aedes adult and immature indexes with noticeable reductions, the differences in all cases were not significative among the different insecticide treatments. The low sample size and mosquito population levels may have influenced the statistical outcomes. More than 80% of the interviewed residents were satisfied with the effectiveness of the paint and IRS treatments. The determination of the blood cholinesterase activity of tested individuals after the use of the carbamate paint and IRS in this study did not exceed acceptable inhibition limits. This study suggests that the application of propoxur paint by homeowners as full house coverage or as targeted indoor painting can be a safe and accepted intervention method for density reduction of Aedes aegypti populations in urban environments.
Propoxur; insecticide paint; Aedes aegypti; density reduction; Mexico
Biology and Life Sciences, Insect Science
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