Version 1
: Received: 22 October 2021 / Approved: 22 October 2021 / Online: 22 October 2021 (13:10:46 CEST)
How to cite:
Dumitru, A.; Chis, T.; Sterpu, A. E.; Sapunaru, O. V. Effects of Metals from Oil to Polluted Soil. Preprints2021, 2021100331.
Dumitru, A.; Chis, T.; Sterpu, A. E.; Sapunaru, O. V. Effects of Metals from Oil to Polluted Soil. Preprints 2021, 2021100331.
Dumitru, A.; Chis, T.; Sterpu, A. E.; Sapunaru, O. V. Effects of Metals from Oil to Polluted Soil. Preprints2021, 2021100331.
APA Style
Dumitru, A., Chis, T., Sterpu, A. E., & Sapunaru, O. V. (2021). Effects of Metals from Oil to Polluted Soil. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Dumitru, A., Ancaelena Eliza Sterpu and Olga Valerica Sapunaru. 2021 "Effects of Metals from Oil to Polluted Soil" Preprints.
Oil pollution of extraction areas is an undesirable phenomenon, but very present, es-pecially in old farms. In the context in which the depollution of these areas, in Roma-nia, is carried out from public funds, this fact is more and more difficult to achieve. That is why the effect of pollutants on the environment is being analyzed more and more, it often remains that the depollution is done naturally. This material analyzes the effect of metals present in crude oil (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Mn, As, Cd, V, Cr, S), on the soil affected by a historical accidental pollution in the Moinesti area, Romania. This article presents the results of analyzes performed by metal detection techniques, namely optical emission spectrophotometry with inductive coupled plasma and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The metals determined in the polluted soil were statis-tically analyzed regarding the dispersion, standard deviation and coefficient of varia-tion compared to the control sample and compared with the results from two areas in Romania. The risk of exploitation of polluted areas was also analyzed, namely the method of pollution indices and the method of combining the effects of pollutants
metals; oil; pollution; soil
Engineering, Energy and Fuel Technology
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