Version 1
: Received: 3 June 2021 / Approved: 4 June 2021 / Online: 4 June 2021 (11:52:35 CEST)
Version 2
: Received: 9 December 2021 / Approved: 9 December 2021 / Online: 9 December 2021 (13:17:07 CET)
How to cite:
Kramarenko, A.; Kramarenko, A.; Savenko, O. Towards a Theory of Electromagnetic Effects Arising in Acoustically Excited Electrolyte Solutions. Preprints2021, 2021060140.
Kramarenko, A.; Kramarenko, A.; Savenko, O. Towards a Theory of Electromagnetic Effects Arising in Acoustically Excited Electrolyte Solutions. Preprints 2021, 2021060140.
Kramarenko, A.; Kramarenko, A.; Savenko, O. Towards a Theory of Electromagnetic Effects Arising in Acoustically Excited Electrolyte Solutions. Preprints2021, 2021060140.
APA Style
Kramarenko, A., Kramarenko, A., & Savenko, O. (2021). Towards a Theory of Electromagnetic Effects Arising in Acoustically Excited Electrolyte Solutions. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Kramarenko, A., Alexander Kramarenko and Oksana Savenko. 2021 "Towards a Theory of Electromagnetic Effects Arising in Acoustically Excited Electrolyte Solutions" Preprints.
The present work is an effort to explain theoretically the physics of some processes we have observed in our previous experiments. They occur under any mechanical excitation in solutions of strong electrolytes. We assume that the occurrence of the low-frequency Debye ionic vibration potential (IVP) and the deviation of the RF polarization vector are conjugated, but only in the sense that the power flux density of some physical process "X" responsible for the rotation of the polarization vector is proportional to the square of the electric potential voltage. While the independence of the RF anisotropy appearance from the applied voltage and from the Debye potential in particular has been proved experimentally. An equivalent electrical circuit that simulates the observed effects within the solution excited by an acoustic wave is proposed and tested for physical feasibility. Special attention is paid to the basic theory of the ionic vibrational potential, namely, its predictions in the low-frequency range, which contradict both experiment and the energy conservation law. Given the futility of describing the "memory" effect as a process of electrical or molecular origin, several arguments are presented in favor of the fluid-gyroscopic mechanism. It was suggested that the rotation of the polarization vector of the RF signal is due to a change in the electric moment of the liquid atoms and/or the nuclear moment of ions having an odd mass number. The applications of the research are also supplemented. The results of new experiments show that the RF anisotropy of the solution is transported by the carrier. Accordingly, it is possible to create a completely contactless unitary sensor of velocity and inhomogeneities of the liquid, moreover, the experimental setup has previously confirmed the affordability of the idea.
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