Version 1
: Received: 27 April 2021 / Approved: 28 April 2021 / Online: 28 April 2021 (17:09:10 CEST)
How to cite:
CICCHELLA, A.; Usca, S.; Vecenane, H. Healthy Lifestyles in Italian and Latvian University Students, According to Demographics, Study Course, and Nationality. Preprints2021, 2021040759.
CICCHELLA, A.; Usca, S.; Vecenane, H. Healthy Lifestyles in Italian and Latvian University Students, According to Demographics, Study Course, and Nationality. Preprints 2021, 2021040759.
CICCHELLA, A.; Usca, S.; Vecenane, H. Healthy Lifestyles in Italian and Latvian University Students, According to Demographics, Study Course, and Nationality. Preprints2021, 2021040759.
APA Style
CICCHELLA, A., Usca, S., & Vecenane, H. (2021). Healthy Lifestyles in Italian and Latvian University Students, According to Demographics, Study Course, and Nationality. Preprints.
Chicago/Turabian Style
CICCHELLA, A., Svetlana Usca and Helena Vecenane. 2021 "Healthy Lifestyles in Italian and Latvian University Students, According to Demographics, Study Course, and Nationality" Preprints.
This study compares lifestyles behaviour in Italian and Latvian university students, to assess if there are differences for sex, age, university or studies specialties. An online questionnaire investigating 8 lifestyle dimensions has been compiled by 156 (43,6 % females) from Italy and 105 from Latvia (82,9% females). Answers were collected between April and December 2020. Presence of smokers are negligible. The questionnaire showed to have a good internal consistency (Cronbach α =.929). On the total group, significant statistically differences were found for all the dimensions regarding age, sex, study specialty and university. Physical activity was associated with healthier lifestyles choices. Geographical-induced differences were found (eating and sleep behaviours, alcohol awareness) as well as socio-economic differences. Female students shown to be more stressed than males. Occupational wellness increased by age. Sport students shown more health awareness. Many of the differences found in the total group disappeared when comparing only sport students of the two university, showing females increasing their scores. This result can be explained by a masculinization effect of sport.
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