Helmeted hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil) is a protected wildlife in Indonesia according to enactment no. 5, 1999 about Conservation of Natural Resources and its Ecosystems and Government Regulation no. 9, 1999 about plant and wildlife preservation. Helmeted Hornbill habitats spread in five country regions: Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia (Malayan Peninsula and Serawak), Brunei, and Indonesia (Sumatra and Borneo). Silokek Geopark which located in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia is an identified location of Helmeted Hornbill habitat existence. Beside its uniqueness in physics, this bird also have an ecological function as seed dispersal in nature. The utilization of Remote Sensing (RS) technology and and Geographic Information System (GIS) is highly useful in identification the Helmeted Hornbill habitat distribution in this research. Geographic dateset used in this research are Landsat OLI 8 imagery, Shuttle Radar Topographic Model (SRTM), Coordinate points of Helmeted Hornbill existence and location assesment, and other dataset related to administration boundary in Silokek Geopark. This research aims to find conservation priority zone of Helmeted Hornbill in Silokek Geopark. By utilizing Maximun Entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm with finding points and location assessment, we can determine the distribution of Helmeted Hornbill habitat in Silokek Geopark based on habitat likeness. This research produces the model of conservation priority zones in geopark silokek which are distributed in hilly protected forest area and the distributions are concentrated in the center and noth east part of our researc area. This model is highly influenced by forest texture (25.7%), distance of patches (24.3%), and distance of settlement.