Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites Based on Hydroxyapatite by Self-high Propagating Temperatures Synthesis (SHS)

Version 1 : Received: 26 August 2020 / Approved: 27 August 2020 / Online: 27 August 2020 (07:52:40 CEST)

How to cite: Pramono, A.; Sulaiman, F.; Milandia, A. Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites Based on Hydroxyapatite by Self-high Propagating Temperatures Synthesis (SHS). Preprints 2020, 2020080596. Pramono, A.; Sulaiman, F.; Milandia, A. Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites Based on Hydroxyapatite by Self-high Propagating Temperatures Synthesis (SHS). Preprints 2020, 2020080596.


The use of cow bones for biomaterial is still limited; accordingly, the cow bones waste has low economic value. Basically, a human’s and a cow’s bones are the same in terms of their forming compound. Aluminum (Al) has the potential to combine with hydroxyapatite (HAp) to make metal matrix composites (MMC) that have the potential for biomaterials. Compatible elements to be combined with Al and HAp are magnesium (Mg), titanium (Ti), and Copper (Cu), used self-high propagating temperatures synthesis (SHS). MMC can be processed to be a useful, solid product. Applying pressure to the SHS reaction and heating process may result in biomaterial composite product consisting of some matrix materials such as Al come from cans materials used in the experiment was HAp that was processed from cow bones calcination, added by can that contained aluminum and wetting agent, namely magnesium. The exothermic temperature was 800-900°C. The compaction process was done to allow materials to be bound. Based on the ASTM F138 standard for element of biomaterials, the porosity value was below 30% and hardness level above 40 HV. Cow bones and can-based composite sample with the composition of HAp-Al-Mg: 85%-10%-5% met the standard since the hardness value was: 73.3 HV with a porosity value of 29.88%.


hydroxyapatite; beverage cans; metal matrix composites, self-propagating high temperatures synthesis and biomaterials


Chemistry and Materials Science, Biomaterials

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