All over the world, development of micro blog and other social platform indicate that Social Media is now the focus and trend of the Internet. Daily life, study and work are influenced by news in Social Medias . Micro blog is new emergent type of media and it spreads information rapidly in the crowd in recent years. Suppose an user searches for specific information about one topic on micro blog. He/she found easily plenty of information related to his/her search in social medias. The problem is to find out the correct information. Normally, multi-document summarization method deals with a collection of documents about one topic for extracting the valuable points and discards useless information. Actually, it needs to extract the topic content by adding topic factors and social patterns. Topic factor is the lexical information related to the topic. Social pattern relates to special interactive mode owned by online social network, such as comment and repost. People has been seen the fake news on mobile/internet during lockdown period. It is of no doubt that anyone with a social media account has seen at least one example of this.Humanity’s greatest challenges are to detect false information. Fake news are collected from 150 persons using social media The aim of the paper is to investigate the truthfulness of the news people share on social media using K-nearest Neighbour (KNN) based Classifier method.