Software project complexity increases day by day because the software engineering products is being used in the solution of more technically difficult problem and the size of project continuous to grow. The increase complexity causes to high numbers of software project failures in term of time, cost and quality. The main question regarding to this problem is how to handle or cope with this complexity. There is no single way to handle this, software engineer uses different perspective to handle complexity without affecting the overall project performance. A management perspective recognizes that the success of complex project requires good project management. A technically perspective reveals new paradigms for software development i.e.; object oriented and formal methods etc. and software engineer also look for automation perspective in order to reduce the complexity issues. In this paper we will find out the main software project complexity factors by focusing on the management aspects of software project development and also the problems of managing complexity in software engineering products from these different perspectives. The paper is divided in three main sections; paradigms of software development, project management in term of time, cost and quality and third one is automated support that includes methods and tools used to manage the complexity.