Gu, M.; Kim, R.; Lee, H.; Sok, S. Factors Influencing Disaster-Incident-Related Impacts on Korean Nursing Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2019, 16, 5111.
Gu, M.; Kim, R.; Lee, H.; Sok, S. Factors Influencing Disaster-Incident-Related Impacts on Korean Nursing Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 5111.
Gu, M.; Kim, R.; Lee, H.; Sok, S. Factors Influencing Disaster-Incident-Related Impacts on Korean Nursing Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2019, 16, 5111.
Gu, M.; Kim, R.; Lee, H.; Sok, S. Factors Influencing Disaster-Incident-Related Impacts on Korean Nursing Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 5111.
The frequency of earthquakes in South Korea is increasing. This study aimed to examine and identify the factors influencing the degree of disaster-incident-related shock among Korean nursing students with the disaster experience. The study sample consisted of 153 nursing students who have been living around Phohang-si in Gyeongsang-do, South Korea, and who having the experience of disaster-incident-related shock. Measures were Impact of Event Scale, Perceived health status scale, Psychological Well-Being Scale, and Coping Strategy Indicator in Korean version. The data collection period was from October to December, 2018. The factor that was found to have the most influence on disaster-incident-related shock among Korean nursing students was the perceived health status (β = 0.48), followed by gender (β = -0.28), coping skill (β = 0.18), psychological well-being (β = 0.14), need for disaster education (β = 0.12), and major satisfaction (β = -0.12). This study provides preliminary evidence that perceived health status is a major and primary predictor of disaster-incident-related shock among Korean nursing students, next followed by coping skill, and psychological well-being. The findings can be reflected in the pertinent curriculum by actively considering these influence factors in designing nursing education interventions for disaster-incident-related shock in the Korean nursing students.
disasters; health status; coping skill; nursing student
Biology and Life Sciences, Other
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