Working Paper Article Version 1 This version is not peer-reviewed

The Rational Decisions in Communities Affected by Annual Floods in East Java, Indonesia

Version 1 : Received: 17 May 2019 / Approved: 20 May 2019 / Online: 20 May 2019 (12:10:26 CEST)

How to cite: Noviekayati, I.; Utomo, D. B.; Pratikto, H.; Pandin, M. G. R. The Rational Decisions in Communities Affected by Annual Floods in East Java, Indonesia. Preprints 2019, 2019050246 Noviekayati, I.; Utomo, D. B.; Pratikto, H.; Pandin, M. G. R. The Rational Decisions in Communities Affected by Annual Floods in East Java, Indonesia. Preprints 2019, 2019050246


A rational decision is a systematic and logical way of making a resolution. It is needed in critical situation, especially the unavoidable ones such as annual floods. People affected by this natural disaster, continue living their lives if good rational decisions are made. The current research consists of two studies. The first identifies rational decisions based on age, education, socio-economic and gender, while the second is based on decisions associated with resilience, coping strategies and age. A total number of 354 participants from various cities in East Java were used as participants of the study. The results in the first study, 58% of the people made good rational decisions, with the remaining 42% making low decisions. Furthermore, education was found to significantly influence the decision making process. The second study found a significant relationship between the resilience, coping strategies, age with the rational decisions. Conclusion of the study will be used make better decisions for the community in order to minimize physical and psychological impacts.


rational decisions; resilience; coping strategies; annual flood


Social Sciences, Psychology

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